电化学(中英文) ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 2108501. doi: 10.13208/j.electrochem.210850
所属专题: “电催化和燃料电池”专题文章
王雪1,2, 张丽1, 刘长鹏1,2, 葛君杰1,2, 祝建兵1,2,*(), 邢巍1,2,*(
Xue Wang1,2, Li Zhang1, Chang-Peng Liu1,2, Jun-Jie Ge1,2, Jian-Bing Zhu1,2,*(), Wei Xing1,2,*(
*Tel: (86-431)85262147, E-mail:
王雪, 张丽, 刘长鹏, 葛君杰, 祝建兵, 邢巍. 碱性介质中非贵金属氧还原催化剂的结构调控进展[J]. 电化学(中英文), 2022, 28(2): 2108501.
Xue Wang, Li Zhang, Chang-Peng Liu, Jun-Jie Ge, Jian-Bing Zhu, Wei Xing. Recent Advances in Structural Regulation on Non-Precious Metal Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Electrolytes[J]. Journal of Electrochemistry, 2022, 28(2): 2108501.
Table 1
Reaction equations of ORR in alkaline conditions.
Mechanism | Overall reaction | ||
Four-electron process | Dissociation pathway | O2 + 2* → 2O* 2O* + 2e- + 2H2O → 2OH* + 2OH- 2OH* + 2e- → 2OH- + 2* | O2 + 2H2O + 4e- → 4OH- |
Associative pathway | O2 + * → O2* O2* + H2O + e- → OOH* + OH- OOH* + e- → O* + OH- O* + H2O + e- → OH* + OH- OH* + e- → OH- + * | ||
Two-electron process | O2 + * → O2* O2* + H2O + e- → OOH* + OH- OOH* + e- → HO2- +* | O2 + H2O + 2e- → HO2- + OH- |
Figure 1
(A) Illustration of the edge defect reconstruction; (B) The HAADF-STEM image of N-G. The nitrogen atoms are marked with the red circles; (C) Expanded image of the dotted box in (B) (‘5’ indicates the pentagons). Reproduced with permission of Ref. 24, copyright 2019 Springer Nature. (color on line)
Figure 2
(A) Schematic illustration showing the synthesis of N, S co-doped carbon catalysts; (B, C) Free-energy diagrams of the ORR mechanism at different electrode potentials (U) on (B) N doped carbon and (C) N, S co-doped carbon. The * denotes the free C site on doped carbon structure. Insets: the optimized structure of N doped and N, S co-doped carbon structure. The gray, blue and yellow balls denote C, N and S, respectively. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 34, copyright 2016 Royal Society of Chemistry. (color on line)
Figure 3
(A) Flow diagram for the synthesis processes of 3D N-GQDs/NiCo2S4/CC composite; (B) Durability testing curves in 0.1 mol·L-1 KOH; (C) Relative Gibbs free energy diagram of NiCo2S4 for the ORR at different potentials. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 54, copyright 2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (color on line)
Figure 4
(A, B) Transmission electron microscopic images of Fe3C encapsulated in N-doped carbon nanotubes/carbon black composite; (C) Results of the DFT calculations. PDOS of the p orbitals of C atoms bonded to Fe in Fe3C@SWNT compared with that in pure SWNT; (D) ORR polarization plots after 20000 cycles in O2-saturated 0.1 mol·L-1 KOH. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 63, copyright 2015 Royal Society of Chemistry. (color on line)
Figure 5
(A) Schematic illustration for the formation of Fe-N-C catalysts using ZIF-8 as an active site host; (B) Aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM image of the isolated Fe atoms involved Fe/N-G-SAC catalyst; (C) Fourier transforms of k3-weighted Fe K-edge EXAFS data. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 81, copyright 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (color on line)
Figure 6
(A) Graphical illustration for the synthesis process of Fe/N-CNRs; (B) N2 adsorption-desorption results and (C) Pore diameter distribution results for Fe/N-CNRs, N-CNRs, and Fe/N-CNRs-NW; (D) E1/2 and kinetic current density (Jk)@0.85V results of these catalysts. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 79, copyright 2021 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (color on line)
Figure 7
(A) Synthetic scheme for the preparation of SA-Fe-Nx-MPCS catalyst; (B) Schematic illustration of the air electrodes and their SEM images; (C) COMSOL multiphysics modeling of O2 diffusion into the air electrode; (D) Polarization and power density curves of flow batteries with the prepared catalysts and Pt/C. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 80, copyright 2021 Elsevier. (color on line)
Figure 8
(A) Schematic illustration revealing the synthetic strategy of the TMs@NCx composite; (B) ORR polarization curves for TMs@NCx samples in O2-saturated 0.1 mol·L-1 KOH at scan rate of 5 mV·s-1 and rotation speed of 1600 r·min-1; (C) Jk of ORR at different potentials on different catalysts. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 70, copyright 2016 American Chemical Society. (color on line)
Figure 9
(A) Schematic illustration for the Ni doping strategy to regulate the interface structure of the as-derived catalysts; (B) RTEM image, and (C, D) FFT patterns derived from the regions of the areas 1 and 2 in (B). Reproduced with permission of Ref. 97, copyright 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (color on line)
Figure 10
(A-D) Various Fe cluster/Fe-N4 site configurations and the corresponding formation energy (Ef); (E) ORR Gibbs free energy diagrams on the edge and in-plane sites; (F) ORR polarization curves of the Fe/N-G-SAC, other Fe-based counterparts and the commercial Pt/C. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 81, copyright 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. (color on line)
Figure 11
(A) Schematic illustration for the synthetic procedure of diatomic IrCo-N-C catalyst; (B, C) Partial density of states for Co-3d orbitals in (B) CoN4, (C) IrCoN5; (D) Fourier transformed extended X-ray adsorption fine structure (FT-EXAFS) spectra at Co K-edge; (E) The ORR polarization curves of IrCo-N-C, single-atom Co-N-C and Ir-N-C, and commercial Pt/C in 0.1 mol·L-1 KOH solution. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 103, copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. (color on line)
Table 2
The ORR performance and synthesis method of the representative NPMCs reported in literature.
Sample | E1/2 (V vs. RHE) | Synthesis method |
N-doping carbon[ | 0.853 | Template method |
N, S co-doping carbon[ | 0.83 | Hummers’ method |
N, S, O tri-doped carbon nanosheet[ | 0.86 | Template method |
VACNTs-MnO2[ | / | Nebulized ethanol assisted infiltration and pyrolysis method |
Mn@LaCoO3[ | 0.72 | Polyol-assisted solvothermal method |
FeNiCo-P[ | 0.84 | Pyrolysis method |
Co2P -Co, N, and P multi-doped carbon material[ | 0.843 | Phosphidation |
C@CoCx[ | 0.8 | Solid-solid separation method |
Fe3C@rGO[ | 0.8 | Pyrolysis method |
FexN@N-doped carbon[ | 0.84 | NH3- histidine assisted method |
NiCo-P[ | 0.82 | Electrospinning route |
NiCo2S4@g-C3N4-CNT[ | 0.76 | Two-step hydrothermal |
N-GQDs@NiCo2S4[ | 0.86 | Hydrothermal, sulfuration and electrophoretic deposition |
Fe3C/N-doped carbon[ | 0.86 | Pyrolysis method |
CoFe/N, P co-doped carbon nanovesicles[ | 086 | Impregnation and pyrolysis method |
Co/N, S co-doped carbon[ | 0.85 | Two-step calcination methods |
Pt1/FeOx[ | / | Pyrolysis method |
Fe/N-CNRs[ | 0.9 | Pyrolysis method |
SA-Fe-Nx-MPCS[ | 0.88 | Template method |
Fe/N-G-SAC[ | 0.89 | Template method |
Co-Nx-C[ | / | Template method |
CoO@Mn3O4[ | / | Adsorption and reduction method |
carbon-CoP[ | 0.81 | Phosphorization method |
FexN[ | 0.89 | Pyrolysis method |
CoO/CoxP[ | 0.86 | Phosphorization method |
FexN@N-doped GO[ | / | Pyrolysis method |
TiCoNx-rGO[ | 0.902 | Pyrolysis method |
Co2N5[ | 0.79 | Pyrolysis method |
FeCoN5[ | 0.86 | Pyrolysis method |
IrCoN5[ | 0.911 | ZIFs-assisted host-guest method |
FeNi-SAs@NC[ | 0.907 | Pyrolysis method |
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