电化学(中英文) ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 2108511. doi: 10.13208/j.electrochem.210851
所属专题: “理论计算模拟”专题文章; “电催化和燃料电池”专题文章; iSAIEC 2023; “AI for Electrochemistry”专题文章
• 综述 • 上一篇
Ji-Li Li1, Ye-Fei Li1,*(), Zhi-Pan Liu1,2,*(
*Ye-Fei Li, E-mail:
李吉利, 李晔飞, 刘智攀. 电化学理论模拟方法的发展及其在铂基燃料电池中的应用[J]. 电化学(中英文), 2022, 28(2): 2108511.
Ji-Li Li, Ye-Fei Li, Zhi-Pan Liu. Recent Advances in Electrochemical Kinetics Simulations and Their Applications in Pt-based Fuel Cells[J]. Journal of Electrochemistry, 2022, 28(2): 2108511.
Figure 1.
(A) Gouy-Chapman-Stern representation of electric double layer[10]. (B) The periodic slab employed with the double-reference method to determine the potential[29]. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 10 (A) and Ref. 29 (B). Copyright with 2014 American Chemical Society and Copyright with 2007 Springer Science Business Media, LLC. (color on line)
Figure 2.
Contour plots of total electrostatic potential for formate-adsorbed Pt(111) (A) without and (B) with the continuum solvation shell; (C) MD snapshot for the formate-adsorbed Pt(111)/H2O system taken after 10 ps NVT simulation at 300 K[16]. Reproduced with permission of Ref 16. Copyright with 2009 American Chemical Society. (color on line)
Figure 3.
(A) Illustration of the SSW global optimization. (B) Scheme for the Behlar NN architecture[39]. (C) Procedure for generating the training dataset using SSW global optimization. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 39 (B). Copyright with 2017 Royal Society of Chemistry. (color on line)
Figure 4.
(A) Free energy profiles for ORR on Pt(111) at 0.8 V and the structural snapshots of *O2, *OOH, *O, TS1, TS2, and TS3. (B) Plots for the free energy barrier (ΔGa) vs. potential (U) of two reaction pathways for ORR on Pt(111). (C) Tafel curve and the contributions from two reaction pathways. The insert in (C) is the I-V curve with the maximum limiting current at the low potentials being ~ -3.9 mA·cm-2 as determined from experiment[42]. Reproduced with permission of Ref 42 (A) and Ref 42 (B-C). Copyright with 2012 American Chemical Society and Copyright with 2012 American Chemical Society. (color on line)
Figure 5.
Free energy diagram and the stable structures for each stage. (A) The O coverage; (B) The quasidifferential oxygen adsorption energy[44]; (C-D) Formation free energy of the phase-II (ΔGII) and the phase-III (ΔGII) as described in Reactions (3.9) and (3.10)[44]; (E) Structures for the surface adsorption phase (the phase-I), subsurface O phase (the phase-II), and surface vacancy phase (the phase-III) for the 0.625 ML O, 0.67 ML O and 1 ML O covered Pt(111), Pt(211), and Pt(100) surfaces at 1.2 V, respectively. Blue balls: subsurface Pt; yellow balls: surface Pt; red balls: O[44]. (F) Atomic model of Pt(730) plane with a high density of stepped surface atoms[4]. (G) Surface phase diagram of Pt(111) and Pt2M (M = Sc, Ti, Zr, Nb, Mo, Pd, Ag) alloys[45]. (H) Schematic free energy profile for the O-OH dissociation pathway for ORR on Pt(111) and Pt2Mo(111)[45]. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 44 (A-E), Ref. 4 (F), Ref. 45 (G) and Ref. 45 (H). Copyright with 2010 American Chemical Society, Copyright with 2007 The American Asso-ciation for the Advancement of Science,Copyright with 2011 Royal Society of Chemistry and Copyright with 2011 Royal Society of Chemistry. (color on line)
Figure 6.
(A) The size vs. shape diagram for Pt nanoparticles from experiment (black) and theory (blue)[46]. (B) Calculated MA of Pt nanoparticles[46]. (C) Surface composition of Pt201 by combining thermodynamics and the steady-state kinetics analysis using DFT/CM-MPB calculations[46]. Blue balls: Pt; red balls: O. Reproduced with permission of Ref. 46(A-C). Copyright with 2013 Royal Society of Chemistry. (color on line)
Figure 7.
Structures and energetic profiles for the evolution of Pt3Ni(111) under ORR conditions at 0.9 V vs. RHE. (A) Atomic str-uctures of intermediate states. The atoms above the (111) surface plane are depicted in the ball-and-stick style, while other atoms are depicted in the CPK style. (B) Energetic profiles for the evolution of Pt3Ni(111). Colors in (A): Blue balls are Pt; Violet balls are Ni; Red balls are O. (color on line)
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