

• 中日电化学储能交流专辑 •    

全固态钠离子电池: 次世代电池竞赛中的领先竞争者

朱瑞杰a *,李泽辰b,张伟c,奈須滉a,小林弘明a,松井雅樹a   

  1. a. 北海道大学,大学院理学研究院化学部门,札幌, 060-8610, 日本;b. 新加坡国立大学,设计与工程学院,新加坡,117575,新加坡;慕尼黑工业大学,工程与设计学院,慕尼黑,80333,德国
  • 出版日期:2024-06-19 发布日期:2024-06-19
  • 通讯作者: 朱瑞杰 E-mail:vjb92682@elms.hokudai.ac.jp
  • 作者简介:朱瑞杰,李泽辰,张伟,奈須滉,小林弘明,松井雅樹

All-Solid-State Sodium-ion Batteries: A Leading Contender in the Next-Generation Battery Race

Ruijie Zhu,a * Zechen Li,b Wei Zhang,c Akira Nasu,a Hiroaki Kobayashi,a Masaki Matsui a   

  1. a Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0810, Japan b College of Design and Engineering National University of Singapore Singapore 117575, Singapore c School of Engineering and Design Technical University of Munich München 80333, Germany
  • Published:2024-06-19 Online:2024-06-19
  • Contact: Ruijie Zhu E-mail:vjb92682@elms.hokudai.ac.jp
  • About author:Ruijie Zhu, Zechen Li, Wei Zhang, Akira Nasu, Hiroaki Kobayashi, Masaki Matsui

摘要: 使用陶瓷电解质的全固态锂离子电池(LIBs)被认为是理想的可充电电池形式,因为它们具有高能量密度和安全性。然而,在追求全固态LIBs的过程中,锂资源层面的问题往往被选择性的忽视了。最具实用化潜力的富锂陶瓷电解质会使得全固态LIBs的锂消耗量是常规LIBs的数倍至数十倍。考虑到以当前的锂资源条件很难支撑全固态锂离子电池的可持续发展,另一种同样能够提供高能量密度和安全性双重优势的系统——全固态钠离子电池(SIBs)——相比于锂离子电池具有更显著的可持续性优势,并有可能成为下一代高能量密度电池发展竞赛中的有力竞争者。然而,目前关于全固态钠离子电池的研究依然处于十分初步的阶段,本文简要介绍了全固态SIBs的研究现状,并通过对聚合物类材料,NASICON类材料等固态钠离子导体的总结讨论,解释了全固态SIBs的可行性与潜在优势的来源。此外,本文还简要讨论了通过人工智能辅助开发固态钠离子导体的可行性,旨在激发研究人员的兴趣并吸引更多人关注到全固态SIBs这一领域中。

关键词: 全固态钠离子电池, 全固态锂离子电池, 固态电解质, NASICON, 机器学习

Abstract: All-solid-state lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) using ceramic electrolytes are considered the ideal form of rechargeable batteries due to their high energy density and safety. However, in the pursuit of all-solid-state LIBs, the issue of lithium resource availability is selectively overlooked. Considering that the amount of lithium required for all-solid-state LIBs is not sustainable with current lithium resources, another system that also offers the dual advantages of high energy density and safety— all-solid-state sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) —holds significant sustainable advantages and is likely to be the strong contender in the competition for developing next-generation high-energy-density batteries. This article briefly introduces the research status of all-solid-state SIBs, explains the sources of their advantages, and discusses potential approaches to the development of solid sodium-ion conductors, aiming to spark the interest of researchers and attract more attention to the field of all-solid-state SIBs.

Key words: All-solid-state sodium-ion batteries, All-solid-state lithium-ion batteries, Solid-state electrolytes, NASICON, Machine learning