

    悼念国际著名电化学家Allen J. Bard教授

  • 国际著名电化学家、美国国家科学院院士、美国艺术与科学院院士、德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校化学系教授Allen Joseph Bard博士于2024年2月11日与世长辞,享年90岁。

    Bard教授是国际著名的科学家。其研究领域涵盖基础电化学、电化学发光、半导体光催化和光电化学,毕生发表学术论文1000余篇,获得授权专利30余项,其职业生涯数十年一直引领着电化学学科前沿。他发明并发展的扫描电化学显微镜(scanning electrochemical microscopy, SECM),已经成为重要的高时空分辨电化学仪器方法,广泛用于电化学能源、催化、材料、生物和医学等领域,极大地推动了电化学科学与工程的发展。他主导发展的电致化学发光(electrogenerated chemiluminescence, ECL),已经成为高灵敏度的电分析检测技术,在全球范围内创造了巨大的社会经济和商业价值。

    Bard教授是国际著名的教育家。据不完全统计,毕生培养逾75名博士研究生和150名博士后研究人员,广泛分布于全球数十个国家和地区,大多已成为包括美国、中国、欧盟、日、韩在内的全世界高等院校、科研机构和知名企业的重要领军和骨干力量。笔耕不辍,出版3部学术专著,主编多种电化学系列丛书,所编写的电化学教材《Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications》,为全世界各国普遍采用,被誉为“电化学的圣经”。
    Bard教授曾担任美国化学会旗舰期刊The Journal of American Chemical Society(JACS)主编近20年(1982-2001),并获得美国化学会最高荣誉——普里斯特利奖章。Bard教授还是沃尔夫奖(2008)、国家科学奖章(2011)、费米奖(2013)、费萨尔国王国际科学奖(2019)等众多极具声望的科学奖项得主。鉴于其在电化学科研、教学和服务方面的杰出贡献,Bard教授被誉为“现代电化学之父”。


    The worldwide famous electrochemist, the fellow of both National Academy of Sciences and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the professor of Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Allen Joseph Bard, passed away on February 11 at his age of 90.

    Prof. Bard was born in 1933 in New York, USA. After earning his bachelor’s degree at City College of New York, and Ph.D. degree at Harvard University, He joined the University of Texas at Austin, served there as a professor for 65 years, and was honored as one of most important scientists in the university academia history.

    Prof. Bard was a worldwide famous scientist. His research interests covered fundamental electrochemistry and electroanalytical chemistry, electrogenerated chemiluminescence, semiconductor photocatalysis and photoelectrochemistry. He had published more than 1000 peer-reviewed academic papers and 30 authorized patents. For tens of years he had been leading the frontier of electrochemical science. Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM), invented and developed by him, is now an important electrochemical instrumental methodology with high spatiotemporal resolution, and is applied extensively in electrochemical energy, catalysis, materials, biology, medicine, etc., pushing forward the progresses in electrochemical science and technology. By him, electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) is now an high sensitive electroanalytical technique, creating the huge global social economy and commercial values.

    Prof. Bard was a worldwide famous educator. He had mentored more than 75 doctoral students and 150 postdoctoral fellows from tens of countries and regions. Most of them have become the pioneering scientists and researchers in universities, institutes and companies all over the world including America, China, Europe, Japan, Korea, etc. He wrote and co-wrote three scientific books, edited and co-edited series of electrochemical books. Among them, the book Electrochemical Methods: Fundamentals and Applications is the most popular textbook in the world, and has been considered as “the Bible of Electrochemistry”.

    For 20 years Prof. Bard had served as the chief editor of the Journal of American Chemical Society (JACS), the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and was awarded the highest honor of ACS, i.e., the Priestley Award. Prof. Bard was also the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, such as the Wolf Prize (2008), the National Medal of Science (2011), the Fermi Award (2013), the King Faisal International Prize in Science (2019), etc. Because of his outstanding achievements in scientific research, education and service in electrochemistry, Prof. Bard was honored as the “Father of Modern Electrochemistry”.

    Acting as the president of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Prof. Bard dedicated to push the China-US academic communications. In early 1980s, He started to accept enthusiastically and mentored meticulously Chinese overseas students and visiting scholars. According to incomplete statistics, there are 107 Chinese scholars all over the world who has worked with him as PhD students, post-doctor students or visiting scholars. He had cultivated a lot of electrochemical talents for China. In 1995 Prof. Bard gave the plenary lecture at the annual meeting of International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) held at Xiamen, China, appealing more than 500 international scholars to attend the academic event of electrochemistry. He also acted as the member of International Advisory Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (PCOSS). He had made important contributions to the development of electrochemistry in China.

    Prof. Bard passed away. However, his scientific achievements will be engraved in the history of electrochemistry, his scholarly spirit will be passed on to the young generations sustainably.

    Chinese Society of Electrochemistry (CSE), the Editorial Board of Journal of electrochemistry, and the Chinese electrochemical community,  will miss him dearly.

  • 发布日期: 2024-02-19  浏览: 873