

• 单个体生物电分析 •    



  1. a. 中国地质大学材料科学与化学学院,纳米地质材料教育部工程研究中心,生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室, 武汉430074;b. 大阪都立大学研究生院工学研究科化学工程系,日本 大阪堺市 599-8570; c. 中国地质大学深圳研究院
  • 出版日期:2024-07-23 发布日期:2024-07-23
  • 通讯作者: 黄羽 E-mail:yuhuang@cug.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:王旭刚,何正旭,丁德芳,罗雪芹,戴力,张炜奇,马群,黄羽,夏帆

Highly Sensitive Detection of Strontium Ions Using Metal-Organic Frameworks Functionalized Solid-State Nanochannels

Xu-Gang Wanga, Zheng-Xu Hea, De-Fang Dinga, Xue-Qin Luoa, Li Daia, Wei-Qi Zhanga, Qun Mab, Yu Huang*a, Fan Xiaa,c   

  1. a State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, Engineering Research Center of Nano-Geomaterials of Ministry of Education, Faculty of Material Science and Chemistry, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, P. R. China b Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,Osaka Metropolitan University, Sakai, Osaka599-8570, Japan c Shenzhen Research Institute of China University of Geosciences
  • Published:2024-07-23 Online:2024-07-23
  • Contact: Yu Huang E-mail:yuhuang@cug.edu.cn
  • About author:Xu-Gang Wang, Zheng-Xu He, De-Fang Ding, Xue-Qin Luo, Li Dai, Wei-Qi Zhang, Qun Ma, Yu Huang, Fan Xia

摘要: 锶-90是一种高放射性同位素,在食物链和骨骼结构中积累,对人类健康构成重大风险。在复杂的环境水样中,迫切需要一种高灵敏的锶-90检测策略。在这里,金属有机框架(Metal Organic Frameworks)和特异性适配体修饰的固态纳米通道被设计用于高灵敏度的 Sr2+ 检测。MOF导致的纳米通道有效孔径减小与适配体对Sr2+的特异性结合之间的协同作用放大了离子电流信号的差异,显著提高了检测灵敏度。MOF修饰的纳米通道对Sr2+表现出高灵敏度的检测,检测限(LOD)低至0.03 nM,然而没有修饰MOF纳米片的AAO的LOD仅为1000 nM。结果表明,MOF修饰的纳米通道对Sr2+的检测限LOD比未修饰MOF的纳米通道高约33,000倍。仿真模拟计算结果与这一实验趋势完全吻合。此外,加标回收实验还实现了对各种水样中Sr2+的高度可靠性检测,回收率在94.00%至118.70%之间,变异系数低至2.89%至9.35%之间。APT/MOF/AAO传感系统在真实水样中表现出高回收率和低变异性,凸显了其在此类环境中的强大检测能力。这项研究为快速发展的先进纳米通道传感器领域及其在分析复杂样品方面的各种应用提供了宝贵的见解,包括环境污染物检测、食品分析、医疗诊断等

关键词: 纳米通道, 金属有机框架, 传感器, 锶离子, 高灵敏检测

Abstract: Strontium-90, a highly radioactive isotope, accumulates within the food chain and skeletal structure, posing significant risks to human health. There is a critical need for a sensitive detection strategy for Strontium-90 in complex environmental samples. Here, solid-state nanochannels, modified with metal-organic frameworks (MOF) and specific aptamers, were engineered for highly sensitive Sr2+ detection. The synergistic effect between the reduced effective diameter of the nanochannels due to MOF and the specific binding of Sr2+ by aptamers amplifies the difference in ionic current signals, enhancing detection sensitivity significantly. The MOF-modified nanochannels exhibit highly sensitive detection of Sr2+, with a detection limit (LOD) of 0.03 nM, whereas the LOD for AAOs without the modified MOF nanosheets is only 1000 nM. These findings indicate that the LOD of Sr2+ detected by MOF-modified nanochannels is approximately 33,000 times higher than that of the nanochannels without MOF modification. Additionally, highly reliable detection of Sr2+ in various water samples was achieved, with a recovery rate ranging from 94.00% to 118.70%. This study provides valuable insights into the rapidly advancing field of advanced nanochannel-based sensors and their diverse applications for analyzing complex samples, including environmental contaminant detection, food analysis, medical diagnostics, and more.

Key words: Nanochannels, MOF, Sensor, Sr2+, Sensitivity Detection