

• 研究论文 •    


钟小慧1,2, 王飞3, 武安祺2*, 韩贝贝2,王建新2,官万兵2   

  1. 1宁波大学材料科学与化学工程学院,浙江宁波,315211 2中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,全省先进燃料电池与电解池技术重点实验室, 浙江宁波,315201 3 中国航天员训练中心,北京,10086
  • 出版日期:2025-01-08 发布日期:2025-01-08
  • 通讯作者: 武安祺 E-mail:wuanqi@nimte.ac.cn
  • 作者简介:钟小慧, 王飞, 武安祺, 韩贝贝,王建新,官万兵

Performance of CO2/H2O Co-electrolysis in a Flat-tube Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell Stack Under Air-free Environment

Xiaohui Zhong a, b, Fei Wang c, Anqi Wu b*, Beibei Han b, Jianxin Wang b, Wanbing Guan b   

  1. a. School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Ningbo University Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315211, PR China. 

    b. Key Laboratory of Advanced Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers Technology of Zhejiang Province, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315201, PR China.

    c. Astronaut Research and Training Center Beijing, 10086, PR China.

  • Published:2025-01-08 Online:2025-01-08
  • Contact: Anqi Wu E-mail:wuanqi@nimte.ac.cn
  • About author:Xiaohui Zhong , Fei Wang , Anqi Wu , Beibei Han , Jianxin Wang , Wanbing Guan

摘要: 本文使用平管型SOEC电解堆,探究了空气极无吹扫气环境下CO2/H2O共电解的瞬态性能和稳定性。结果表明,电解堆空气极在有、无吹扫气时的瞬时电解性能几乎一致。在750℃恒温、空气极无空气吹扫、0.67Acm-2电流密度下共电解超过200h,电解堆电压下降速率约为0.203%/100h。微观结构结果显示,电解堆中电解池的Ni颗粒损失明显,空气极集流层表面形成了绝缘相SrCrO4,上述共同因素是导致电解池性能衰减的主要原因。本文研究为SOEC电解堆在无空气环境下的高能效电解合成燃料应用提供了参考。

关键词: 共电解, 稳定性, 无空气, 电解堆, 固体氧化物电解池

Abstract: This work investigates the transient performance and stability of CO2/H2O co-electrolysis in an air-free environment using a flat-tube solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) stack. The results show that the transient behavior of the stack with and without blowing gas in the air electrode is almost the same. With a current density of 0.67A·cm-2 @750 °C, the stack operated for over 200 h under co-electrolysis conditions with no air blowing, and the voltage drop rate of the stack was approximately 0.203%/100 hours. Microstructure analysis reveals significant loss of Ni particles and formation of an insulating phase SrCrO4 on the surface of the current collection layer of the air electrode, which are identified as key factors contributing to performance degradation of the stack. This study provides a reference for efficient fuel preparation technology based on SOEC stack in airless environments.

Key words: co-electrolysis, Stability, No air, Electrolysis stack, Solid oxide electrolysis cell