电化学(中英文) ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 2312281. doi: 10.61558/2993-074X.3469
熊海燕a, 朱振啸a, 高鑫a, 范晨铭a, 栾辉宝b,*(), 李冰a,*(
Hai-Yan Xionga, Zhen-Xiao Zhua, Xin Gaoa, Chen-Ming Fana, Hui-Bao Luanb,*(), Bing Lia,*(
* Hui-Bao Luan, E-mail: luanhuibao@163.com ;
Bing Li, E-mail: bingli@ecust.edu.cn摘要:
碱性水电解制氢是现今最为成熟的水电解制氢技术。电解槽由多个电解小室组成,单个电解小室由隔膜、电极、双极板和端板等组成。现有工业的双极板流道结构为凹凸结构,通过模具冲压成型制备,制备成本高且困难。凹凸结构电解小室存在电解液流动不均匀和电流密度低的问题,进而增加了碱性水电解制氢的能耗和成本。因而,本文首先根据现有工业的凹凸双极板流道结构搭建电化学和流动模型,分析电解小室电流密度、电解液流动和气泡分布情况。模型可靠性已通过与文献实验数据对照验证。其中,电化学电流密度决定了气体产率,气体在电解液中流动反过来影响电化学反应活性比表面积和欧姆电阻。结果表明,凹凸结构电解小室凹球底部流动速度几近为零,凸球表面电解液流速较大,流道结构中存在旋涡,电解液分布不均。接着,建模优化碱性水电解槽的流道结构,比较了凹凸结构、网状、菱形和膨胀网结构电解小室电化学和流动性能。结果表明,膨胀网结构电解小室电流密度最大,为3330 A/m2,电解液流速最大,为0.507 m/s。相同电流密度下,过电位最小,能耗最低。本文对碱性水电解槽流道结构的全面理解和优化提供一定的指导意义,为大规模电解槽设计提供理论基础。
熊海燕, 朱振啸, 高鑫, 范晨铭, 栾辉宝, 李冰. 利用膨胀网作为双极板流道结构优化碱性水电解槽[J]. 电化学(中英文), 2024, 30(9): 2312281.
Hai-Yan Xiong, Zhen-Xiao Zhu, Xin Gao, Chen-Ming Fan, Hui-Bao Luan, Bing Li. Optimization of Channel Structure of Alkaline Water Electrolyzer by Using Expanded Mesh as Bipolar Plate[J]. Journal of Electrochemistry, 2024, 30(9): 2312281.
Geometric parameter | Value (mm) | |
electrode radius Electrode height Diaphragm height Inlet length Inlet width Runner height Electrode height Diaphragm height Inlet length Inlet width Runner height | 65 | |
electrode height | 2 | |
diaphragm radius Electrode height Diaphragm height Inlet length Inlet width Runner height Electrode height Diaphragm height Inlet length Inlet width Runner height | 65 | |
diaphragm height | 0.7 | |
inlet length | 6 | |
inlet width | 6 | |
channel radius Electrode height Diaphragm height Inlet length Inlet width Runner height Electrode height Diaphragm height Inlet length Inlet width Runner height | 65 | |
channel height | 2 | |
Single unit | ||
concave-convex structure | Concave/ convex sphere radius | 4.5 |
concave and convex spheres distance | 12 | |
rhombus | height | 2 |
channel height | 3 | |
wedge | length | 2.5 |
width | 1.25 | |
height | 2.5 | |
channel height | 3 | |
expanded mesh | thickness | 0.5 |
height | 2.33 | |
transverse distance | 6 | |
longitudinal distance | 4.23 |
Mesh type | Mesh 1 | Mesh 2 | Mesh 3 | Mesh 4 |
Number of domain cell | 14100 | 29466 | 102702 | 926090 |
Average cell mass | 0.47 | 0.65 | 0.68 | 0.65 |
O2 current density | 2449.5 | 2457.5 | 2459.8 | 2460.3 |
O2 Relative rate of change | 0.44% | 0.11% | 0.02% | Baseline |
Average flow velocity | 0.00882 | 0.00900 | 0.00904 | 0.00922 |
Relative change rate | 4.39% | 2.39% | 2.05% | Baseline |
Physical Field Parameter | Unit | Value |
Electrolyte concentration | mol/L | 6.72 |
Electrolyte conductivity | S/m | 138 |
H2 side exchange current density | A/m2 | 23.4 |
O2 side exchange current density | A/m2 | 9.3 |
Exchange current density ( | / | 0.5 |
Electrolytic cell voltage | V | 2 |
Diaphragm conductivity | S/m | 20.44 |
Electrolyte inlet flow velocity | m/s | 0.22 |
Electrolyzer pressure | MPa | 2 |
Operating temperature | °C | 90 |
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