介绍了近年作者课题组使用椭圆偏振技术研究金属锌表面氧化膜的形成,包括多晶锌表面自然氧化物薄膜的形成及其光学性能和电子结构、不同气氛自然氧化物膜的生长研究以及在碱性碳酸盐介质金属锌的电化学过程等方面的工作. 旨在通过原位和非原位椭圆偏振技术了解金属锌表面氧化物膜层的光、电性能以及膜层结构的改变和生长动力学,这对评估锌氧化层的总体性能有着重要意义.
The formation of natural oxide films on polycrystalline zinc surface, the growth of natural oxide films in different atmospheres, as well as the electrochemical process of metal zinc in alkaline carbonate solution, studied recently by using spectroscopic ellipsometry in our group, are introduced. The objective of this paper is to outline that the optical, electrical properties, the change and growth kinetics of zinc metal oxide film on the surface can be investigated by in-situ and ex-situ ellipsometry, which makes significant sense to evaluate the overall performance of zinc oxide layer.
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