采用PMMA为模板制备碳空心球材料,并以碳空心球材料为导电骨架与硫材料复合制得碳空心球/硫复合材料. SEM和TEM照片显示,硫材料能均匀地填充在碳空心球的孔道和腔体内部. 采用恒电流充放电测试碳空心球/硫复合电极的电化学性能. 结果表明,在100 mA·g-1、500 mA·g-1、1 A·g-1、2 A·g-1 和5 A·g-1电流密度下,碳空心球/硫复合电极可逆放电容量分别为1145 mAh·g-1、824 mAh·g-1、702 mAh·g-1、586 mAh·g-1和395 mAh·g-1,呈现出较优异的倍率循环寿命.
. 碳空心球/硫复合材料制备和电化学性能研究[J]. 电化学, 2013
, 19(3)
: 195
DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2948
Hollow carbon spheres were prepared by the PMMA template. Hollow carbon spheres/sulfur composite was made from sulfur and hollow carbon spheres as a conducting framework. The results of SEM and TEM showed that sulfur was uniformly filled in both of the shell and hollow core of hollow carbon spheres. The electrochemical performance of hollow carbon spheres/sulfur composite was characterized by the charge/discharge method. The results showed the excellent rate and cycle performance of hollow carbon spheres/sulfur composite. The reversible capacities of hollow carbon spheres/sulfur composite are 1145 mAh·g-1, 824 mAh·g-1, 702 mAh·g-1, 586 mAh·g-1 and 395 mAh·g-1 at the current densities of 100 mA·g-1, 500 mA·g-1, 1 A·g-1, 2 A·g-1 and 5 A·g-1, respectively.
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