采用氧气等离子体处理石墨电极表面,实现氧及含氧官能团的掺杂,以改善VO2+/VO2+电对的反应活性. FT-IR和EDS测试结果表明,氧气等离子体处理石墨表面引入了含氧官能团,从而提高了VO2+/VO2+电对的电化学活性. 在本文实验条件下20 min等离子体处理的电极活性最好,8 mA cm-2电流密度恒流充放电,石墨电极VO2+/VO2+电对库仑效率达到91%,比未处理电极的库仑效率提高了19%.
. O-掺杂石墨电极VO2+/VO2+电对反应活性研究[J]. 电化学, 2013
, 19(2)
: 120
DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2944
Graphite plate electrodes were treated with oxygen plasma and doped with oxygen as well as oxygen functional groups. With the treatment, the activities of graphite plate electrodes toward VO2+/VO2+ redox reactions were improved. FT-IR and EDS analysis results indicated that oxygen functional groups were introduced to the surface of graphite plates after oxygen plasma treatment. In this paper, the graphite plate treated for 20 min showed the highest activity. The average charge efficiency reached 91%, suggesting an increase of 19%, compared with that of the untreated graphite plate under a current density of 8 mA·cm-2.
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