

  • 孔德生 ,
  • 刘海燕 ,
  • 吕文华 ,
  • 范文娟 ,
  • 郁章玉 ,
  • 冯媛媛
  • 曲阜师范大学化学系;

收稿日期: 2009-08-28

  修回日期: 2009-08-28

  网络出版日期: 2009-08-28

Electrochemical Studies on the Ionic Charge Transfer Properties of the Oxygen Vacancy Defects in the Oxide Films Formed on Titanium

  • KONG De-sheng ,
  • LIU Hai-yan ,
  • FAN Wen-juan ,
  • LV Wen-hua ,
  • YU Zhang-yu ,
  • FENG Yuan-yuan
  • (Department of Chemistry,Qufu Normal University,Qufu 273165,Shandong,China

Received date: 2009-08-28

  Revised date: 2009-08-28

  Online published: 2009-08-28




孔德生 , 刘海燕 , 吕文华 , 范文娟 , 郁章玉 , 冯媛媛 . 钛表面二氧化钛膜中氧空位点缺陷传输性能的电化学研究[J]. 电化学, 2009 , 15(3) : 320 -325 . DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2003


The ionic charge transfer properties of the oxygen vacancy point defects in TiO2 films formed on titanium were studied in 1.0 mol·L-1 HClO4 solution with cyclic voltammetry,potentiostatic polarization,galvanostatic reduction and capacitance measurements. The measured capacitance data were analyzed based on the Mott-Schottky equation and Einstein equation. Based on the different response times to the changes of the applied electric field between the ionic and the electronic charge transfers,the diffusion coefficient of the point defects in the anodic oxide film on titanium was estimated. It was shown that the passive potential region for titanium in 1.0 mol·L-1 HClO4 ranged from ca. 0 to 6 V. Some important physico-chemical properties in relation with the point defects (oxygen vacancy) transfer,such as the steady-state current (iss),the film oxidization factor (α),the field strength within the film () and the diffusion coefficient of the oxygen vacancies (DO),were found to be potential-dependent. The effects of anodic oxygen evolution and of the film structure changes at higher potentials on the film bulk properties were also discussed.


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