. 双核双金属酞菁(FeCoPc_2)阴极催化直接硼氢化物燃料电池[J]. 电化学, 2009
, 15(3)
: 280
DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.1995
In this paper,a membraneless direct borohydride fuel cell was investigated. Cyclic voltammograms of FeCoPc2-modified glassy carbon electrode in the alkaline solution show that FeCoPc2 was active for oxygen reduction reaction. In addition,the steady-state polarization curve tests indicate that FeCoPc2 had better activity than FePc,CoPc or FePc+CoPc,which is due to its conjugated effect and synergistic effect of Fe and Co. Finally,a maximum power density of 110 mW/cm2 was attained,and the 25-day life test shows that the direct borohydride fuel cell had a good stability.
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