研究电流型电化学氨气传感器阳极碳载Ir(Ir/C)催化剂电催化NH3氧化性能.实验表明,在NaC lO4中性电解液中,Ir/C催化剂对NH3氧化的电催化性能与Ir载量有关.其中以Ir载量为10%(by m ass)的Ir/C催化剂的电催化性能最好,稳定性和灵敏度也最高.此外,NH3在不同载量的Ir/C催化剂上电催化氧化的电流密度与NH3浓度均呈现出良好的线性关系,此类Ir/C催化剂在电流型电化学氨气传感器中可望有良好的应用前景.
. 不同载量Ir/C催化剂对氨氧化的电催化性能[J]. 电化学, 2009
, 15(4)
: 387
DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2013
The electrocatalytic performance of the Ir/C catalyst as the anodic catalyst in the amperometric and electrochemical NH3 sensor was investigated.The experimental results illustrated that in the NaClO4 neutral electrolyte,the electrocatalytic performance of the Ir/C catalyst for the NH3 oxidation is related to the Ir loading in the Ir/C catalyst.Among the Ir/C catalysts with different Ir loading,the best electrocatalytic activity,stability and sensitivity were achieved by the Ir/C catalyst with 10% Ir loadings.In addition,the current densities of the NH3 oxidation at the Ir/C catalysts with the different Ir loadings were linearly proportional to the NH3 concentration.The Ir/C catalyst has a potential application in the amperometric and electrochemical NH3 sensor.
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