电化学储能应用及产业化近期研究专辑 (厦门大学 赵金保教授主编)


  • 李 泓 ,
  • 吕迎春
  • 1. 中国科学院物理研究所,中国 北京 100190;2. 上海大学材料基因组工程研究院,中国 上海 200444

网络出版日期: 2015-10-28


国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目(No. 51325206)

Short Review on Electrochemical Energy Storage

  • LI Hong ,
  • LYU Ying-chun
  • 1. Institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100190, China; 2. Materials Genome Institute, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China

Online published: 2015-10-28


储能是能源、信息、交通、医疗、航空航天、先进制造、先进装备、国家安全等领域的关键支撑技术. 电化学储能技术应用广泛,不断发展. 本文小结了电化学储能技术中的储能原理、技术指标、技术成熟度. 从基础科学的角度,主要以锂离子电池为例,简述了电化学储能器件中非传统电化学问题,包括热力学、动力学、尺寸效应、非对称体系、非对称充放电反应路径、表面现象、混合离子输运、固态电池等. 最后,对未来的电化学储能技术的发展提出了个人的理解.


李 泓 , 吕迎春 . 电化学储能基本问题综述[J]. 电化学, 2015 , 21(5) : 412 -424 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.150750


Energy storage is a critical supporting technology in many fields such as energy, information, transportation, and healthcare, aerospace, advanced manufacture, advanced equipment, national security. Electrochemical energy storage technique has been widely applied and is developing continuously. In this article, the energy storage mechanism, technical indicators and technology ready level in electrochemical energy storage are summarized. Mainly based on lithium ion batteries, untraditional electrochemical issues in electrochemical energy storage devices are described from the perspective of fundamental science. These issues deal mainly with thermodynamics, kinetics, size effect, asymmetric system, asymmetric reaction path, surface phenomenon, hybrid ion transportation, and solid state battery. Finally, some suggestions concerning future developments in electrochemical energy storage technology are provided.


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