采用两电极体系中恒电流电沉积在Ti基底上制得较均一的ZnO纳米棒阵列,利用SEM和XRD观察表征样品,研究Zn(NO3)2浓度及电流密度对ZnO纳米棒阵列微观形貌的影响. 以甲基橙为目标降解物,考察该电极光催化性能. 结果表明,Zn(NO3)2浓度和电流密度对纳米棒阵列的形貌有显著影响;与ITO玻璃等其他基底相比,在Ti基底上也可沉积较好均一取向的ZnO纳米棒阵列;紫外灯照射下,ZnO/Ti电极对甲基橙(10 mg·L-1)模拟印染废水降解2.5 h,降解率达到83.3%,光催化活性较佳;无光照时ZnO纳米棒的降解率仅7%.
In this paper, the uniform ZnO nanorod arrays were prepared by galvanostatic electrodeposition on Ti Substrates. The morphology and structure of samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The effects of the concentration of Zn(NO3)2 and the deposition current on the morphology of the ZnO nanorod arrays were investigated. Photocatalytic properties of ZnO nanorod arrays were investigated by degradation of methyl orange (MO) under UV-light irradiation. The analysis revealed that the concentration of Zn(NO3)2 and the deposition current strongly influenced the morphology of the ZnO nanorod arrays. Compared with ITO glass substrates and so on, the uniform and preferable oriented ZnO nanorod arrays could be obtained similarly. The photodegradation rate of ZnO/Ti nanorod electrode was 83.3% during the degradation of methyl orange under 2.5 h of irradiation with UV lamp, which shows good photocatalytic activities. However, the photodegradation rate was only 7% without UV-light irradiation.
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