以苯胺二聚体(N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine)为起始单体,在1 mol·L-1高氯酸水-乙腈混合液中,玻碳电极表面电化学制备聚苯胺. 实验结果表明,苯胺二聚体单体的聚合电位比苯胺单体的低约0.2 V,并且其聚合物具有更高的形貌可控性. 苯胺二聚体单体浓度分别为1、5和10 mmol·L-1时,采用分步恒电流法可分别制备出形貌均一的聚苯胺纳米粒子(粒径30 nm)、超长的纳米线(> 5 μm 直径50 nm)和大面积纳米片(4 μm × 2 μm × 30 nm).
Employing of aniline dimer (N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine, NPD) as the starting monomer, polyaniline was electrochemically synthesized on the surface of glassy carbon electrode in acetonitrile-aqueous mixing solutions(20% by volume)containing 1 mol·L-1 HClO4. Experimental results demonstrated that the polymerization of NPD occurs at the potentials about 0.2 V lower than those of aniline monomer. Furthermore, the resulting polyaniline has higher morphology controllability than those synthesized by using aniline as the stating monomer. The uniform polyaniline nanoparticles (30 nm in diameter), ultralong nanowires (length > 5 μm, 50 nm in diameter) or large area nanosheets (4 μm in length, 2 μm in height, 30 nm in thickness) can be prepared by using step-wise galvanostatic method when the concentrations of NPD monomer was 1, 5 or 10 mmol·L-1, respectively.
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