通过扫描微电极法研究敏化处理奥氏体不锈钢(304ss)的局部腐蚀行为,并结合传统电化学方法及光学显微镜进行测试观察. 结果表明,在10% FeCl3溶液未敏化处理(304ss-NS)或550 oC轻度敏化处理(304ss-S1)的不锈钢倾向于发生点腐蚀,而650 oC(304ss-S2)或750 oC(304ss-S3)深度敏化处理不锈钢则倾向于发生晶间腐蚀.
Based on a home-built setup of scanning reference electrode technique, and combined with conventional electrochemical measurements, the localized corrosion behavior of sensitized 304 stainless steel (304ss) had been investigated in this work. The results showed that, the non-sensitized 304ss or 304ss sensitized at 550 oC was susceptible to pitting; while 304ss sensitized at 650 oC or 750 oC suffered severe intergranular corrosion in 10% FeCl3 solution.
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