生物材料的多孔结构对于植入后细胞的响应及其与机体组织的有效整合有着决定性的影响. 采用电化学沉积方法在钛基表面成功制备多孔钙磷盐及钙磷盐/蛋白质复合膜层. 本文选择合适的电解液浓度、温度、电流密度、时间和蛋白质添加剂等,可有效地控制钙磷盐晶体的形状、尺寸和柔韧性,并初步探讨了氢气气泡模板的作用机制. 研究结果表明,动态氢气气泡是一种有效的模板,可控制钙磷盐晶体的生长速度,成功构筑纳-微米二级结构钙磷盐生物材料.
So far, the pore architecture in biomaterials plays a critical role on the cell response and integration between the biomaterials and implanted environment. In this study, porous calcium phosphate (CaP) coatings and CaP/protein composite coatings have been successfully constructed on titanium substrate by using an electrochemically induced deposition technique. The shape, size and pliability of CaP crystals are controlled by electrolyte concentration, temperature, current density, time and protein additive in preparing process. In addition, the formation mechanism of the porous structure is discussed based on the “hydrogen bubble template” model. It demonstrates that the growth velocity of CaP crystals should match well with the forming-disappearing velocity of hydrogen bubble, and the pliability of the CaP crystals should fit with soft bubble. As a result, dynamic hydrogen bubble can act as an effective template to construct the nano-micro porous structured biomaterials coatings by controlling the growth velocity of CaP crystals.
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