腐蚀电化学及研究方法近期研究专辑(厦门大学 林昌健教授主编)


  • 原徐杰 ,
  • 张俊喜 ,
  • 陈启萌 ,
  • 张世明 ,
  • 谈天
  • 1. 上海电力学院 上海高校电厂腐蚀防护与应用电化学重点实验室,上海 200090; 2. 上海中挪海事技术有限公司 上海201417

收稿日期: 2013-01-30

  修回日期: 2013-07-08

  网络出版日期: 2013-07-08


国家自然科学基金项目(No. 51271110)和上海市教委科研创新重点项目(No. 12ZZ170)资助

Corrosion Behavior of Zinc Covered with Thin Electrolyte Layers under External Electric Field

  • YUAN Xu-Jie ,
  • ZHANG Jun-Xi ,
  • CHEN Qi-Meng ,
  • ZHANG Shi-Ming ,
  • TAN Tian
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Shanghai Colleges and Universities for Electric Power Corrosion Control and Applied Electrochemistry, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China; 2. CCS-DNV Technology Institute, Shanghai 201417, China

Received date: 2013-01-30

  Revised date: 2013-07-08

  Online published: 2013-07-08


采用薄液膜实验装置,测量了外加直流电场作用下锌在薄液膜体系中的腐蚀电位、阴极极化电流以及阴极极化曲线等. 研究了外加直流电场对锌在薄液膜下腐蚀行为的影响. 结果表明,外电场的作用可以使锌电极的腐蚀电位负移,也可以使锌电极在阴极极化条件下的阴极电流增加. 分析结果表明,外电场与薄液膜体系中锌电极电化学过程中的相关因素发生了协同作用,改变了锌电极的阴极过程.


原徐杰 , 张俊喜 , 陈启萌 , 张世明 , 谈天 . 电场作用下金属锌在薄液膜下的腐蚀电化学研究[J]. 电化学, 2013 , 19(5) : 430 -436 . DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2133


The corrosion behavior of zinc covered with thin electrolyte layers (TELs) under an application of external electric field was investigated by performing corrosion potential and cathodic polarization current measurements. The results showed that the Ecorr and ic values first increased and then decreased with the increase of electrolyte layer thickness. Pure zinc exhibited the maximum corrosion potential as the TELs increased to 400 μm under the controls of cathodic process and corrosion products. The application of external electric field resulted in either a negative shift in corrosion potential of zinc or an increase of cathodic current. The effect of external electric field on the electrode process was discussed in this paper.


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