
电化学(中英文) ›› 2003, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (4): 471-474. 

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 西北大学电分析化学研究所,西北大学电分析化学研究所 陕西西安710069 ,陕西西安710069
  • 收稿日期:2003-11-28 修回日期:2003-11-28 出版日期:2003-11-28 发布日期:2003-11-28

Determination of Cystine by Second Order Differential Simple Oscillographic Voltammetry

TAO Fu_Fang,ZHENG Jian_Bin*   

  1. (Institute of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Northwest University, Xian 710069, China)
  • Received:2003-11-28 Revised:2003-11-28 Published:2003-11-28 Online:2003-11-28

摘要:  利用胱氨酸在NaOH底液中产生灵敏切口的示波特性,建立了测定胱氨酸片剂中胱氨酸含量的二次微分简易示波伏安法,其校正曲线的线性范围为2.5×10-6~3.5×10-5mol/L,检出限为1.0×10-6mol/L.以2.0×10-5mol/L胱氨酸为例,5次测定结果的相对标准偏差为1.8%.该法具有分析速度快,仪器装置简单以及药片中的赋形剂不干扰测定等优点.

关键词: 示波分析, 简易示波伏安法, 胱氨酸

Abstract: In 0.2 mol/L NaOH, cystine can cause an sensitive incision at -0.5 V (vs.SCE) of cathodic branch of dE/dt_E curve or second order differential simple oscillogram. Based on the oscillographic charateristic, second order differential simple oscillographic voltammetry was applied to the determination of cystine in tablet. The linear range and the detection limit for determination of cystine were 2.5×10-6~3.5×10-5 mol/L and 1.0×10-6 mol/L, respectively. The relative standard deviation for 2.000×10-5 mol/L cystine was 1.8% (n=5).
