建立了磷酸铁锂(LiFePO4)电极材料放电曲线的阻抗模型,将不同倍率放电的电位分为欧姆电位降、电荷转移电位降与扩散阻抗电位降三部分,通过电极交流阻抗谱图,结合理论分析,推导出不同倍率电极电位的表达式. 通过模拟,其值与实验曲线较好地吻合.
. LiFePO4电极放电曲线的阻抗模拟[J]. 电化学, 2012
, 18(4)
: 306
DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2921
In this paper, an impedance model is developed for simulating the discharge curve of LiFePO4 cathode material. The voltage drop is divided into three parts: the Ohm voltage drop, the charge transfer voltage drop and the diffusion voltage drop. A theoretical expression has been derived to predict the discharge curves at various discharge rates. The parameters of the equation have been obtained by fitting the results of EIS measurement, and a good agreement between the fitting and the experimental data has been found at all discharge rates.
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