自设计建立锂空气电池实验装置,研究以掺入LiCoO2做为电催化剂的空气正极的电化学性能及其放电前后催化剂结构的变化. 循环伏安、XRD、及充放电测试等表明,LiCoO2能够很大程度地改善空气电极的放电性能. 尤其是在放电前,将掺有LiCoO2的空气正极充电至4.1V,此时LiCoO2的Co元素呈现较高的价态(Co3+/Co4+),催化作用因此更加显著.
The LiCoO2 has been investigated as a new electrocatalyst for air electrodes using homemade lithium-air battery. The electrochemical performance and structural changes of the LiCoO2 based composite air electrodes have been studied. The results of CV, XRD and charge-discharge tests show that the composite air electrodes composed of LiCoO2 can greatly improve the discharge performance of lithium-air batteries. In particular when the composite air electrodes are charged to 4.1 V before further discharging, the obvious catalytic effects of LiCoO2 are attributed to higher valence state of the Co element in LiCoO2, esp. at charged state.
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