以三氯化钌、氯铂酸为源物质,用溶胶凝胶法制备Ni/Ag2O/RuO2-Pt复合阴极,研究了不同涂覆液AgNO3浓度和热处理温度对该阴极析氢性能的影响,采用SEM-EDS、XRD和XPS观察阴极的表面形貌、表征其组分. 结果表明,Ni/Ag2O/RuO2-Pt复合阴极表面致密、粗糙度大且裂纹少. 电化学测量表明在11 mol?L-1NaOH(90 oC)溶液、0.3 A?cm-2电流密度下,Ni/Ag2O/RuO2-Pt复合阴极的析氢电位比纯Ni电极正移484 mV;交换电流密度是纯Ni电极的10倍. 该阴极制备工艺简单,析氢活性高,有望降低氯碱工业的能耗.
The Ni/Ag2O/RuO2-Pt composite cathode was prepared by sol-gel method using RuCl3 and H2PtCl6 as raw materials. The effects of heat treatment conditions and AgNO3 concentrations on hydrogen evolution properties were investigated. The morphology and composition of Ni/Ag2O/RuO2-Pt composite cathode have been characterized by XRD, XPS and SEM-EDS. It is demonstrated that the surface structure of Ni/Ag2O/RuO2-Pt composite cathode is more compact, with fewer cracks and larger surface roughness than pure nickel. At the conditions of 0.3 A?cm-2, 90 oC, and 11 mol?L-1 NaOH solution, the hydrogen evolution overpotential of Ni/Ag2O/RuO2-Pt composite cathode increases 484 mV with respect to pure nickel cathode, and the exchange current density is about ten times as many as that of pure nickel cathode. This composite electrode with high activity could be applied in the chlor-alkali industry for reducing power consumption.
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