应用无钯活化化学镀方法在预制聚苯胺层的锦纶织物上沉积金属银,研究了化学镀条件(主盐硝酸银、还原剂葡萄糖、络合剂氨水、氢氧化钠用量、温度和时间)对金属沉积速率和织物方阻的影响,优化化学镀的最佳工艺为:硝酸银12g/L,葡萄糖 2.8g/L,氨水100ml/L,氢氧化钠8g/L,温度30℃,时间 50min。同时讨论了聚苯胺中间层对金属银晶粒尺寸、织构系数和耐腐蚀等性能影响,结果表明,以聚苯胺作锦纶织物施镀中间层可有效提高金属化织物的导电、耐腐蚀以及耐洗等性能。
Silver was deposited on the surface of polyaniline coated polyamide fabrics by electroless plating without using conventional palladium chloride solution as activator.Effects of electroless plating conditions such as the concentrations of silver nitrate, reducing agent glucose, complexing agent ammonium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide in the bath, as well as the depositing time and bath temperature on the rate of metal deposition and the square resistance were studied. Optimum electroless plating conditions were: 30℃, 50 min, with silver nitrate 12 g/L, ammonium hydroxide 100 ml/L, glucose 2.8 g/L, sodium hydroxide 8 g/L. Meanwhile, effects of the intermediate polyaniline layer on the metal crystallite size, texture and corrosion resistance of composite conducting fabrics were discussed. The results showed that the intermediate polyaniline layer between polyamide fabric and silver could effectively improve the conductance, corrosion resistance and laundry resistance of composite conducting fabrics.
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