研究了15种不同取代基苯酚衍生物在纳米金/玻碳 (Au/GCE) 电极上的电化学响应. 测试表明:该电极对15种苯酚衍生物的电化学反应各呈现出不同程度的电催化作用;与GCE和平面金电极相比,苯酚衍生物的氧化峰电流均有所增加,氧化电位受待测物反应活性影响较大;水杨酸在Au/GCE电极上响应迅速,电流灵敏度是GCE电极的1.8倍;该电极可用于多种苯酚衍生物的痕量测定.
A gold nanoparticles modified glassy carbon electrode (Au/GCE) was used to detect 15 kinds of phenolic compounds. In the cyclic voltammetry measurements, the peak currents of phenolic compounds at Au/GCE were all increased as compared with GCE and planar gold electrodes, and the oxidation potentials were determined by the activity of analytes. Besides, electrocatalysis of salicylic acid was studied at Au/GCE. The results showed that, there was a good linear relationship between the oxidation current and the concentration of salicylic acid, and the current sensitivity was 1.8 fold higher than that obtained on GCE. Trace phenolic compounds determination could be realized on the modified electrode.
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