以柠檬酸为螯合剂,应用溶胶-凝胶法制备锂离子电池正极材料LiV3O8,并通过掺杂过渡金属离子M(Mn、Ti、Co和Ni)部分取代V,经烧结制得LiMxV3-xO8. X射线衍射、热重/差热、扫描电镜及充放电和循环伏安曲线等表征样品的结构、形貌和检测电极电化学性能. 结果表明,烧结温度对样品的结构、形貌和性能均有影响. 500℃烧结6 h的LiV3O8,在1.8~3.8 V范围内,首次放电比容量达到300.4 mAh?g-1. 掺杂x=0.1的Ti、Co可改善LiMxV3-xO8电极材料的循环性能和寿命.
The cathode material of LiMxV3-xO8 was fabricated by sol-gel method using citric acid as a chelating agent and doping transition metal ions M (Mn, Ti, Co and Ni). The structure, morphology and electrochemical proprieties of the LiMxV3-xO8 samples were investigated by XRD, TGA/DTA, SEM, charge-discharge and CV measurements. The results showed that different calcining temperatures result in different structures and morphologies, which lead to different discharge capacities. The specific discharge capacity of the sample calcined at 500℃ for 6 h was up to 300.4 mAh/g in the first cycle, and the capacity decreased with the increasing of calcining temperature. The performance and life cycle of Ti- and Co-doped LiMxV3-xO8 electrodes were significantly improved.
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