室温下,以高纯铜片为阳极,石墨棒为阴极,聚乙二醇为分散剂,电解液为pH=10的缓冲溶液,设定初始电压12V.电解后,微波分解,制备了由片层组成的纺锤形纳米CuO(简称片层纺锤形纳米CuO).扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X-射线衍射仪(XRD)等表征样品的形貌、微观结构及其成分,循环伏安法和计时电流法研究了该纳米CuO对H2O2氧化的催化作用.结果表明:所得产物是纯的单斜片层纺锤形CuO纳米晶,对H2O2的电化学检测具有较高的灵敏度,线性范围为1.0 μmol?L-1~1.0 mmol?L-1,检出限为0.5 μmol.L-1.
A simple and efficient electrochemical route was developed for the synthesis of flaked spindle-like CuO nanocrystals using aqueous electrolyte and Cu sacrificial anode (graphite as the cathode) in an undivided cell at a constant potential mode under room temperature. The morphologies, structure and component of CuO nanocrystals obtained were characterized by SEM, XRD, respectively. Flaked spindle-like CuO nanocrystals were successfully used to modify a GC electrode to detect H2O2 with cyclic voltammetry (CV) and amperometric (AC).The results showed that products were pure monoclinic CuO nanocrystals. The linear range for the determination of hydrogen peroxide is from 1.0 μmol?L-1 to 1.0 mmol?L-1, the detection limit is 0.5 μmol?L-1, which suggests that flaked spindle-like CuO nanocrystals may be of great potential for H2O2 electrochemical sensing.
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