应用固相反应法合成LiFePO4及掺杂Cu2+的LiFePO4,以XRD、XPS表征样品的结构及Fe存在的价态.发现掺杂少量的Cu2+未能改变LiFePO4材料的结构特征以及Fe2+的化学状态,但是Cu2+的掺杂使得LiFePO4材料的晶胞体积变小.充放电测试结果表明少量Cu2+的掺杂能显著地提高LiFePO4材料的大倍率输出能力,LiCu0.02Fe0.98PO4,其1C放电容量可达130 mAh/g以上,较掺杂前提高了20%左右.
LiFePO4 and LiFePO4 doped with Cu2+ ions were synthesized by solid-state reactions.The structure of LiFePO4 and the Fe valence were analyzed by the XRD(X-ray diffraction) and XPS(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) respectively.The Cu doping position in LiFePO4 is discussed.It has found that the volume of LiFePO4 by doping Cu2+ ions is reduced.The minim Cu2+ ions doping does not almost change the binding energy of Fe2p1/2 in LiFePO4.According to the experiment results,we conclude that most of the Cu2+ ions substitute the Fe2+ ions in LiFePO4 when a small amount of Cu2+ ions doping is occurred.
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