Using liquid-reduction or complex-redution method,four catalysts,i.e,the Au/C,Pd/C,Pd-Au/C-T and Pd-Au/C-H were preparated and which electroanalytic activities and stabilities for the oxidation of formic acid were compares.It was found that the Au/C catalyst has no electrocatalytic activity,and the Pd/C catalyst possesses the good electrocatalytic performance for the oxidation of formic acid.The addition of Au into the Pd/C catalyst can increase the electrocatalytic activity and stability.Especially,the electrocatalytic activity and stability of the Pd-Au/C-T catalyst with the alloy of Pd and Au are better than that of the of the Pd-Au/C-H catalyst,in which,Pd and Au do not form the alloy.The investigation of its reason is underway.
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