应用化学气相沉积在钽片和不锈钢片表面直接生长碳纳米管阵列(CNTA)制备超级电容器电极,并分别作正、负极组装有机体系扣式电容器.扫描电子显微镜、循环伏安、恒电流充放电和交流阻抗表征、测试材料的微观形貌和电化学性能.结果表明,该电容器可获得高达3.5 V的工作电压,较长的循环寿命,较好的倍率性能.基于CNTA质量的比功率和比能量性能分别为928 kW.kg-1和19 Wh.kg-1.
. 可用至3.5V的碳纳米管阵列超级电容器[J]. 电化学, 2008
, 14(2)
: 117
DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.1874
The carbon nanotube arrays(CNTA) were grown directly on the substrates of Ta and stainless steel by chemical vapor deposition.The button-like supercapacitors were fabricated based the CNTA electrodes.The electrochemical performance of CNTA based supercapacitors presentsed high working voltage(3.5 V),long cycle life,and good rate capability.The power and energy densities are were 928 kW·kg-1and 19 Wh·kg-1,respectively(based on the mass of CNTA).
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