研究了在酸性镀铜溶液中添加不同分子量的PEG对直径为50微米、深径比为1的镀层盲孔填充效果的影响.结果表明,随着PEG分子量的增加,电镀铜溶液的微孔填充力明显提高.电流密度为2 A/dm2,添加剂PEG分子量(u)超过6000时,镀液可以完全填充盲孔,镀层不出现任何空洞和缝隙.这是由于添加剂PEG能明显加强电镀铜镀液阴极极化,抑制了电镀铜的沉积.同时,PEG于镀液中的扩散系数还随其分子量的增加而降低,从而增加了SPS在微孔底部的吸附力,加速了电镀铜在微孔底部的沉积.进一步,增大PEG分子量,沉积铜膜的表面粗糙度、铜膜结晶度和电阻率均有所降低.
The effect of the polyethylene glycol(PEG) molecular weight(MW) upon via-hole filling with diameter of 50 μm and aspect ratio of 1 in the acid copper plating solution was studied.The cathodic polarization in copper electroplating bath with PEG of different molecule weights was investigated by linear sweep voltammetry.The surface roughness,crystallography,and the resistivity of copper films were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),atomic force microscopy(AFM) and the four-point probe measurements.The results showed that the polarization on the cathode and the hole-filling capability of electroplating copper bath were increased evidently with an increase of PEG molecular weight from 600 to 8000.When the PEG MW was larger than 6000 in electroplating bath,a void-free filling was achieved.While the surface roughness,resistivity and crystallinity of plated Cu film were decreased with an increase of PEG molecular weight from 600 to 8000.
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