尼龙织物经功能性高分子壳聚糖(CS)预处理后,应用分子自组装技术于其表面自组装钯膜(镀镍前活化).该膜钯微粒为纳米级,比表面较大,催化活性较高.将成膜后的织物化学镀镍磷合金,即可得到屏蔽性能优异的电磁屏蔽织物.正交试验及单因素试验得出CS预处理的最佳工艺条件.SPM、SEM表征活化前后及施镀前后织物表面的形态变化.根据Schelkunoff理论,计算织物的电磁辐射屏蔽效能,其值高于30 dB,相当于屏蔽掉了96.0%以上的电磁波.
After the pretreatment of nylon fabric by functional chitosan,the self-assembly technique was used in the process of activation before electroless plating to produce the CS-Pd membrane.The nanosized palladium particles with nanoscal have large relative surface and high catalyzed activity.Electromagnetic wave shielding fabric was prepared by electroless plating of Ni-P alloy with the activated fabric.The optimal process condition of CS finishing was given with the orthogonal and single factor experiments.The variation of fabric surface structure was characterized by SPM,SEM.Based on the Schelkunoff theory.The electromagnetic shielding effectiveness comes above 30 dB,which corresponds to shielding 96.0 percent of the electromagnetic wave or more.
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