采用乙基纤维素(EC)和载Pt碳纳米管(CNTs)导电复合材料固定葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD)制备EC-Pt/CNTs葡萄糖氧化酶电极.该电极在0~4 mmol/L的浓度范围内检测葡萄糖,灵敏度为0.85μA/mmol.L-1,浸泡18 d后电极活性仍达80%,EC-Pt/CNTs葡萄糖氧化酶电极可望构建葡萄糖传感器.
A glucose oxidative electrode(GOD),EC-Pt/CNTs glucose oxidative electrode,was constructed by ethyl cellulose(EC) and Pt/CNTs.The sensitivity of the EC-Pt/CNTs GOD is 0.85 μA/mM in the concentration range of 0~4 mmol/L of glucose.After dipped in PBS(4℃) for 18 days,the activity of the EC-Pt/CNTs GOD can reach 80%.It is promising for the EC-Pt/CNTs GOD to be used to construct glucose biosensor.
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