

  • 季巍巍 ,
  • 徐立群 ,
  • 李冬梅 ,
  • 王荣 ,
  • 吴霞琴 ,
  • 章宗穰
  • 上海师范大学化学系;

收稿日期: 2008-11-28

  修回日期: 2008-11-28

  网络出版日期: 2008-11-28

Effect of CH_2Cl_2 on the Redox Behavior of Ferrocene in Ionic Liquid BmimPF6

  • JI Wei-wei ,
  • XU Li-qun ,
  • LI Dong-mei ,
  • WANG Rong ,
  • WU Xia-qin ,
  • ZHANG Zong-rang
  • (Department of Chemistry,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China

Received date: 2008-11-28

  Revised date: 2008-11-28

  Online published: 2008-11-28


应用循环伏安和交流阻抗法研究有机溶剂二氯甲烷对二茂铁在离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑六氟磷酸盐(Bm imPF6)中电化学行为的影响.实验表明,二氯甲烷可促进离子液体的离子解离,减小离子液体粘度,增加离子液体电导率,加速二茂铁在离子液体中的扩散,增大氧化还原峰电流.由于电极界面双电层结构的变化,导致双电层电容增大,电极反应电阻减小,从而加速了界面电子传递反应.


季巍巍 , 徐立群 , 李冬梅 , 王荣 , 吴霞琴 , 章宗穰 . CH_2Cl_2对离子液体BmimPF_6中二茂铁电化学行为的影响[J]. 电化学, 2008 , 14(4) : 411 -414 . DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.1932


The effects of CH2Cl2 on the room temperature redox behaviors of ferrocene in ionic liquid,BmimPF6,were studied by cyclic voltammetry and AC Impedance.The results suggested that the presence of CH2Cl2,accelerated the dissociation of ionic liquid,leading to lower viscosity and larger ionic conductovity,hence,the diffusions of ferrocence in BmimPF6 were enhanced and the peak currents of redox reactions were increased.The changes in the double-layer structure at the electrode interface resulted in larger capacitance,which reduced the electrode recution resistances,accordirgly,the reaction kinetics of ferrocene were enhanced.


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