Tungsten carbide(WC) catalysts were prepared by gas-solid reaction using ammonium metatungstate as precursors which were pretreated with spray drying sphere miniaturation,carbon monoxide as carrier gas and hydrogen as deoxidizing gas.The WC electrode was fabricated using WC catalyst powders and PTFE as binding agent,and characterized by XRD and SEM.Electrocatalyst behavior of WC for oxygen reduction reaction in the sulphuric acid solution was studied by steady-state voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry.The results show that the WC powders obtained were in spheric particles and the prepared WC electrode had a good electrocatalyst activity to the oxygen reduction reaction.The electrode reaction was controlled by adsorption.The origination potential of oxygen reduction reaction being more positive,larger electrolyte concentration and higher temperature could promote the reaction.
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