

  • 谭澄宇 ,
  • 胡炜 ,
  • 崔航 ,
  • 刘宇
  • 中南大学材料科学与工程教育部重点实验室;

收稿日期: 2009-05-28

  修回日期: 2009-05-28

  网络出版日期: 2009-05-28

Influence of Nano-Al_2O_3 Particles in Nickel Electro-crystallization Process

  • TAN Cheng-yu ,
  • HU Wei ,
  • CUI Hang ,
  • LIU Yu
  • (Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Material Science and Engineering,Central-South University,Changsha 410083,China

Received date: 2009-05-28

  Revised date: 2009-05-28

  Online published: 2009-05-28


借助循环伏安(CV)和计时安培(CA)研究了在不同电位下,纳米Al2O3微粒对镍由硫酸盐混合溶液在铜基底上电结晶沉积的影响.结果表明,Ni-Al2O3镀液体系电沉积的起始电位约为-740 mV.随着阶跃电位负移,Ni-Al2O3镀液体系电沉积成核时间tm逐渐缩短.与纯Ni镀液体系电沉积的tm相比,在-740~-830mV较低阶跃电位下,Ni-Al2O3镀液体系电沉积的成核时间tm明显缩短,表明Al2O3微粒有助于镍的电结晶成核.在-890 mV阶跃电位下,Ni-Al2O3镀液体系电沉积初始阶段的成核过程满足Scharifker-Hills三维瞬时成核模型.


谭澄宇 , 胡炜 , 崔航 , 刘宇 . 纳米Al_2O_3颗粒对镍电结晶过程的影响[J]. 电化学, 2009 , 15(2) : 228 -232 . DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.1986


The influence of nano-Al2O3 particles in nickel electro-deposition on copper matrix from acid sulphate solution was studied under various potentials by using cyclic voltammetry(CV) and chronoamperometry(CA).The results show that the beginning potential of electro-deposition was about-740 mV(vs.SCE) for Ni-Al2O3 solution system.With the step-potential moving to the negative direction,the nucleation time of electro-deposition for Ni-Al2O3 solution system was shortened gradually.Compared with that of pure Ni deposition system,the nucleation time tm,corresponding to the peak current of Ni-Al2O3 deposition system was apparently shortened under the lower step-potential:-740~-830 mV,which indicates that Al2O3 particles promote the nucleation process of nickel electro crystallization.Under the step-potential of-890 mV(vs.SCE),the electro-deposition nucleation of Ni-Al2O3 solution system in the initial stage meets the instantaneous Scharifker-Hill model with three-dimensional.


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