

  • 陈玉梅 ,
  • 梁志修 ,
  • 陈胜利
  • 武汉大学湖北省化学电源重点实验室化学与分子科学学院;河南理工大学物理化学学院;

收稿日期: 2009-11-28

  修回日期: 2009-11-28

  网络出版日期: 2009-11-28

Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Properties of Ni-Pd/C Catalysts with Pd-enriched Surface

  • CHEN Yu-mei ,
  • LIANG Zhi-xiu ,
  • CHEN Sheng-li
  • (1.Hubei Electrochemical Power Sources Key Laboratory,College of Chemistry and Molecular Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China;2.College of Physics and Chemistry,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,Henan,China

Received date: 2009-11-28

  Revised date: 2009-11-28

  Online published: 2009-11-28


应用改进的多元醇法,分步还原制备表面富Pd的N iPd双元合金催化剂.研究表明:由于Pd较容易还原成核,且与N i的合金化程度低,Pd难以在N i颗粒表面实现单层包覆形成N i@Pd核壳结构,而是近似以单相的低合金化形式存在于N i颗粒表面,即形成N i@Pd(N i)的结构.与Pd/C相比,制备的N i@Pd(N i)/C催化剂,其Pd表面的氢吸附峰与吸收峰分辨清晰,含氧化物的脱附峰向正电势移动,氧还原活性显著提高.另外,N i的存在使Pd的抗甲醇性能明显增强,从而有望作为直接甲醇燃料电池的阴极催化剂.


陈玉梅 , 梁志修 , 陈胜利 . 表面富Pd的Ni-Pd/C催化剂的合成及电化学性质研究[J]. 电化学, 2009 , 15(4) : 371 -376 . DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2010


The Ni-Pd alloy catalysts with Pd-enriched surface were synthesized through a modified polyol process.The synthesized materials were investigated by XRD and electrochemical methods,and tested as electrocatalysts for CH3OH-tolerant oxygen reduction.The results indicated that the synthesized Ni-Pd nanoparticles possess multiple phases containing Pd-Ni alloy and pure Ni.Comparing with Pd/C,the prepared Ni-Pd/C nanoparticles exhibited better resolved voltammetric peaks between the hydrogen absorption and adsorption,and positively shifted current peaks for the reduction of Pd oxide.The prepared Ni-Pd alloys with Pd-enriched surface have significantly enhanced ORR activity and improved CH3OH tolerance as comparing with Pd/C catalysts.


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