

  • 吕小军 ,
  • 李悦明 ,
  • 张昊 ,
  • 陈达 ,
  • Jennifer Hensel ,
  • 张金中 ,
  • 李景虹
  • 清华大学化学系;美国加利福尼亚大学Santa Cruz分校化学与生物化学系;

收稿日期: 2009-11-28

  修回日期: 2009-11-28

  网络出版日期: 2009-11-28

Enhanced Visible Light Photoelectrochemical Performances with Nitrogen Doped TiO_2 Nanowire Arrays

  • LV Xiao-jun ,
  • LI Yue-ming ,
  • ZHANG Hao ,
  • CHEN Da ,
  • Jennifer Hensel ,
  • Jin Z Zhang ,
  • LI Jing-hong
  • (1.Department ofChemistry,Tsinghua University,Beijing100084,China;2.Department ofChemistry and Biochemistry,University ofCalifornia,Santa Cruz,California95064,USA

Received date: 2009-11-28

  Revised date: 2009-11-28

  Online published: 2009-11-28


成功制备了氮掺杂锐钛矿TiO2纳米线,并研究了它的光电化学性质.结果表明,与商用P25 TiO2纳米粒子和未掺杂TiO2纳米线相比,氮掺杂TiO2纳米线作为光阳极明显地提高了光电转换效率(IPCE%),在可见光区有明显光吸收;在100 mW/cm2可见光光照下,氮掺杂TiO2纳米线具有最大的光电流密度和能量转换效率.例如,当电压为0.09 V(vs.Ag/AgC l)时最大能量转换效率为0.52%,均高于未掺杂TiO2纳米线和商用P25 TiO2纳米粒子的,充分表现出它优越的光响应和光电化学性能,在光电化学池、太阳能制氢等方面具有广泛的应用前景.


吕小军 , 李悦明 , 张昊 , 陈达 , Jennifer Hensel , 张金中 , 李景虹 . 氮掺杂TiO_2纳米线阵列优越的可见光光电性能(英文)[J]. 电化学, 2009 , 15(4) : 432 -440 . DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2020


Self-organized anodic anatase TiO2nanowire arrays doped with nitrogen have been successfully fabri-cated and their photoelectrochemical(PEC) properties have been characterized and found to be substantially im-proved compared to undoped nanowires or commercial P25 nanoparticles.Photocurrent measured with monochro-matic incident light showed that the incident photon-to-current efficiency(IPCE,%) values of nanowire arrayelectrodes with or without N-doping were obviously higher than that of commercial P25 nanoparticle electrodes,and nitrogen-doped TiO2nanowire arrays(NTNA) had noticeable absorption in the visible region.The NTNAelectrodes showed the highest photocurrent density and power conversion efficiency under 100 mW/cm2visiblelight illumination.A maximumolphotoconversion efficiency of 0.52% was achieved for the NTNA sample at anapplied potential of 0.09 V versus Ag/AgCl(saturated KCl) electrode under visible illumination,much higherthan that of the undoped nanowire and commercial P25 nanoparticle electrodes.These results demonstrate thatNTNA thin films are promising for enhancing the photoresponse and effectively improving PEC performances ofnanostructured TiO2in the visible region for different applications including solar hydrogen generation.


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