采用双层流延法制备Ni-ScSZ阳极支撑层-ScSZ电解质复合膜.在烧结的Ni-ScSZ阳极支撑层表面丝网印刷一层LSCM-CeO2阳极催化层,得到LSCM-CeO2/Ni-ScSZ功能梯度层阳极.研究表明,LSCM/CeO2比为1:3(bymass)的功能梯度层阳极Ni-ScSZ13具有较佳的性能.单电池在850℃以H2和乙醇蒸气作燃料的最大功率密度分别为710和669mW/cm2,而LSCM/CeO2为1:0(bymass)的功能梯度层Ni-ScSZ10作阳极的单电池,最大功率密度分别为521和486m W/cm2.两种阳极单电池,分别在700℃于乙醇蒸气中作长时间运行实验,X-射线能量散射分析表明Ni-ScSZ13阳极比Ni-ScSZ10阳极具有较好的抗碳沉积性能.
. 固体氧化物燃料电池LSCM-CeO_2/Ni-ScSZ复合阳极制备及性能表征[J]. 电化学, 2010
, 16(1)
: 108
DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2048
Solid oxide full cell(SOFC) running directly on hydrocarbon fuels has attracted much attention in recent years.In this paper,a dual-layer structure anode was fabricated by tape casting and screen printing method.The addition of a LSCM-CeO2 catalyst layer to the supported anode surface yielded better performance in ethanol fuel.The maximum power density reached 710 and 669 mW/cm2 at 850 ℃ running on hydrogen gas steam and ethanol steam,respectively.No significant degradation in performance has been observed after 216 h of cell testing when the Ni-ScSZ13 anode was exposed to the ethanol steam at 700 ℃.Very little carbon was detected on the anode,suggesting that carbon deposition was limited during cell operation.Consequently,the LSCM-CeO2 catalyst layer on the supported anode made it possible to have good stability for long-term operation in ethanol fuel due to low carbon deposition.
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