. Ti/CeO_2-F-PbO_2电极制备及其在有机物降解中的应用[J]. 电化学, 2010
, 16(2)
: 172
DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.3339
The CeO2-modified PbO2 on Ti plate ( Ti/CeO2-F-PbO2) was prepared by electrodeposition. The SEM and XRD analyses indicated that the CeO2 particle could be beuniformly co-deposited in the film of PbO2. The results of electrochemical test showed that the Ti/CeO2-F-PbO2 anode had higher potential ( 1. 83 V. vs. SCE) for oxygen evolution ( OE) than the Ti/F-PbO2 anode ( 1. 78 V,vs. SCE) . The degradation of 4-chlorophenol was carried out to test electrocatalytic performance of this novel electrode,which indicated that Ti/CeO2-F-PbO2 anode had high COD removal rate and instantaneous current efficiencies ( ICE) .
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