

  • 任斌 ,
  • 李剑锋 ,
  • 黄逸凡 ,
  • 曾智聪 ,
  • 田中群
  • 厦门大学化学化工学院化学系,固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室;

收稿日期: 2010-08-28

  修回日期: 2010-08-28

  网络出版日期: 2010-08-28

Electrochemical Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy—Current Status and Perspective

  • REN Bin ,
  • LI Jian-feng ,
  • HUANG Yi-fan ,
  • ZENG Zhi-cong ,
  • TIAN Zhong-Qun
  • ( State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces,Department of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Fujian,China

Received date: 2010-08-28

  Revised date: 2010-08-28

  Online published: 2010-08-28




任斌 , 李剑锋 , 黄逸凡 , 曾智聪 , 田中群 . 电化学表面增强拉曼光谱—现状和展望[J]. 电化学, 2010 , 16(3) : 305 -316 . DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.3359


Electrochemical interface is a very important interface closely related to various energy and life processes. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering was widely used in electrochemistry soon after its discovery to understand the surface bonding,configuration,and orientation of the surface species. In recent 10 years,the fast development of nanoscience and nanotechnology has offered SERS with abundant substrates and characterization methods,which has allowed impressive development of electrochemical SERS. This articles will follow the time line to make systematically overview of SERS on Au and Ag,thin-layer transition-metal SERS,pure transition metal SERS,core-shell SERS and those methods for studying single crystal surfaces,including gap-mode SERS, TERS and SHINERS. Emphasis will be put on the history,present status and existing problems and perspectives of electrochemical SERS. We hope the present article will provide a comprehensive overview of the electrochemical SERS.


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