采用溶胶-凝胶法制备Nafion117/SiO2复合膜.工艺研究表明:复合膜制备过程中,加入的MeOH与TEOS比例基本不影响复合膜的阻钒性能.但如以水解时间10 min,水解完成后自然晾干24 h制备的复合膜,则其VO2+的渗透率最低,为4.27×10-9cm2/s,比Nafion117膜的渗透率降低了52倍.SEM测试表明,经自然晾干的复合膜,其中SiO2晶粒长大,并填充了Nafion膜中大部分的孔洞.以其作隔膜组装全钒氧化还原液流电池(单电池),测试表明膜掺杂后电池的电力效率提高2.7%.
. 全钒氧化还原液流电池Nafion/SiO_2复合膜的研究[J]. 电化学, 2010
, 16(4)
: 455
DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2071
The Nafion117/SiO2 composite membrane was prepared by sol-gel method.The results showed that,during composite membrane preparation process,the ratio of MeOH and TEOS did not affect the penetration rate of VO2+ basically,however,the lowest permeability of 427×10-9cm2/s in the membrane was achieved while hydrolysis time was 10 min and natural drying for 24 h after hydrolysis,which reduced by 52 times than that in Nafion117 membrane.The SEM tests proved that SiO2 grains grew bigger in the composite membrane during the natural drying,and most of the holes in Nafion117 were filled.Single cell test showed the battery power efficiency was improved by 2.7 %.
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