

  • 程红芬 ,
  • 张勇 ,
  • 宋洁琼 ,
  • 王增巧
  • 山西大学化学化工学院;

收稿日期: 2011-02-28

  修回日期: 2011-02-28

  网络出版日期: 2011-02-28

Interaction of the Epirubicin Hydrochloride with Bovine Serum Albumin and Its Application

  • CHENG Hong-fen ,
  • ZHANG Yong ,
  • SONG Jie-qiong ,
  • WANG Zeng-qiao
  • (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China

Received date: 2011-02-28

  Revised date: 2011-02-28

  Online published: 2011-02-28


应用线性扫描技术研究盐酸表阿霉素的电化学行为.结果表明,在pH 6.80的Tris-HCl缓冲溶液中,盐酸表阿霉素有一较灵敏的还原峰,Epc=-0.34 V(vs.SCE).加入牛血清白蛋白(BSA)后,盐酸表阿霉素的还原峰电流明显下降.据此,建立了BSA的电化学测定法.在最佳实验条件下,1.0×10-9~1.0×10-6 mol.L-1范围内,BSA浓度与盐酸表阿霉素的峰电流下降值△ip呈线性关系(R=0.9973),BSA检出限达8.05×10-10 mol.L-1.盐酸表阿霉素与BSA的结合比为1,结合常数β为3.04×106 L.mol-1.


程红芬 , 张勇 , 宋洁琼 , 王增巧 . 盐酸表阿霉素与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用和伏安分析[J]. 电化学, 2011 , 17(1) : 80 -83 . DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.2820


The linear sweep technique was used to study the electrochemical behavior of epirubicin hydrochloride.The results showed that there was a sensitive reduction peak at-0.34 V(vs.SCE) in pH 6.80 Tris-HCl buffer.When the BSA was added,the value of the reduction peak was reduced deeply.Accordingly,a new electrchemical determintation method of BSA was established.Under the optimum conditions,the decrease of the reduction peak currents of epirubicin hydrochloride were proportional to the concentrations of BSA in the range of 1.0×10-9~1.0×10-6 mol·L-1(R=0.9973).The detection limit of the BSA was 8.05×10-10 mol·L-1.And the binding constant β of the epirubicin hydrochloride and BSA was 3.04×106 L·mol-1 with the ratio of 1.


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