

  • a. 商洛学院,商洛 726000;b. 陕西科技大学,西安 710021

网络出版日期: 2025-01-13

SnO2 Particles Embedded into Carbon Coated Mesoporous SiOx Rod as High Volumetric Capacity Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries

  • a Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Comprehensive Utilization of Tailings Resources, College of Chemical Engineering and Modern Materials Shang Luo University Shang Luo 726000, Shaanxi, China b School of Materials Science and Engineering Shaanxi University of Science and Technology Xian 710021, Shaanxi, China
Jialin Guo , Nini Li ,Peng Zheng

Online published: 2025-01-13


与硅负极材料相比,氧化亚硅因其高比容量(1965 mAh g−1)和适中的体积膨胀(160%)等优点而受到广泛关注。把SiO2还原制备成SiOx,并使其同时保持SiO2原有的纳米形貌是个有效的锂电材料制备策略。此文章报道了以介孔SiO2棒为原料,通过一步高温退火法,制备了介孔SiOx-SnO2@C棒。这种复合材料作为锂电负极具有以下结构优点:SnO2颗粒弥散分布于棒的体相中,增加了体积能量密度;包覆的碳层能有限维持SiOx在嵌脱锂过程中结构稳定性;介孔通道有利于提高锂离子扩撒速率并释放膨胀体积。得益于以上优点结构,作为锂电负极,该复合材料在0.1A g−1电流密度下,重量和体积比容量分别高达1271 mAh g-1和 1573 mAh cm-3;并且历经200个循环后,容量保持率为95%。


郭家林, 李妮妮, 郑鹏 . 高体积比容量SiOx-SnO2@C介孔棒作为锂电负极材料研究[J]. 电化学, 0 : 0 . DOI: 10.61558/2993-074X.3520


Due to the high capacity and moderate volume expansion of SiOx (160 %) compared with that of Si (300 %), reducing SiO2 into SiOx while maintaining its special nano-morphology makes it attractive as an anode of Li-ion batteries. Herein, through one-pot facile high-temperature annealing, mesoporous SiOx-SnO2@C is prepared from SBA15 as a silicon source. Where SnO2 particles are distributed uniformly in the wall, which could further improve their volume energy densities. The coated carbon plays the role of maintaining structural integrality during lithiation, and the rich mesopores structure can release the expanded volume and enhance Li-ion transfer. At 0.1 A g-1, the gravimetric and volumetric capacities of mesoporous SiOx are as high as 1271 mAh g-1and 1573 mAh cm-3, respectively. After 200 cycles, 95 % capacity is retained compared with the 2nd cycle at 0.5 A g-1. And the rod morphology is still kept, except that the diameter of the rod is 3 times larger than its original size after the cell discharges into 0.01 V.
