

  • 张远航 ,
  • 安茂忠 ,
  • 杨培霞 ,
  • 张锦秋
  • 哈尔滨工业大学化工与化学学院,新能源转换与储存关键材料技术工业和信息化部重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001
*Tel: (86-451)86413721, E-mail: mzan@hit.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2022-02-28

  修回日期: 2021-04-10

  网络出版日期: 2022-04-11



Application of Numerical Simulation Method in Periodic Pulse Reverse Electroplating Through Hole

  • Yuan-Hang Zhang ,
  • Mao-Zhong An ,
  • Pei-Xia Yang ,
  • Jin-Qiu Zhang
  • MIIT Key Laboratory of Critical Materials Technology for New Energy Conversion and Storage, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang, China

Received date: 2022-02-28

  Revised date: 2021-04-10

  Online published: 2022-04-11


5G通信技术的升级使得通信背板层数增加,板上通孔的厚径比也相应增加,使用传统直流电沉积进行互连难度提高。而周期换向脉冲电镀方法对高厚径比通孔均匀电镀有明显的改善。通过使用数值模拟方法对周期换向脉冲在通孔电镀中的参数进行了研究,并使用正交实验方法对周期换向脉冲电镀的各参数对通孔均镀能力的影响主次顺序和影响规律进行了分析。筛选出了优水平组合为: 正向峰值电流密度1 A·dm-2,正反向峰值电流密度比1:4,反向峰宽1 ms, 正反向峰宽比30:1, 正向占空比1, 反向占空比1, 正向峰个数2, 反向峰个数3。研究结果表明, 与直流电镀相比, 数值模拟方法优化后的周期换向脉冲电镀参数能够有效提高通孔的均镀能力, 并且能够应用于实际电沉积通孔中。该实验结果可为数值模拟方法对周期换向脉冲电镀的优化提供理论支持和新思路。


张远航 , 安茂忠 , 杨培霞 , 张锦秋 . 数值模拟方法在周期换向脉冲电镀通孔中的应用[J]. 电化学, 2022 , 28(6) : 2104511 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.210451


The upgrade of the fifth generation (5G) communication technology increases the number of communication backplane layers and the aspect ratio of through holes on the board, making it more difficult to use traditional direct current deposition for interconnection. Direct current electrodeposition is more prone to uneven coating in the hole, resulting in poor contact between the coating and components, and open circuit. This has a serious impact on the stability of printed circuit board. The periodic pulse reverse plating method can significantly improve the uniformity of high aspect ratio through-hole plating and improve the production quality of through-hole plating through the dissolution and electromigration of the coating in the reverse pulse process. Compared with direct current method, periodic reverse pulse has multiple controllable parameters. Changing these parameters will have different effects on the quality of through-hole electroplating. However, to study all parameters one by one, the number of experiments is huge and time-consuming. Numerical simulation is a newly developing research method, which intuitively studies the influence of a variety of physical fields. And it can be completed only by calculation, which avoids the loss of a large number of experiments. In this work, the influences of periodic pulse reverse parameters in through hole electroplating were studied by numerical simulation. Based on the orthogonal experiments, the influence order and rule of the periodic pulse reverse parameters on throwing power (TP) of through hole were analyzed. Among them, the reverse pulse duty ratio has a great influence on the TP of through-hole. The optimal combination is screened as: Forward peak current density 1 A·dm-2, ratio of positive and reverse peak current density 1:4, reverse peak width 1ms, ratio of positive and reverse peak width 30:1, forward duty cycle 1, reverse duty cycle 1, number of forward peak 2, number of reverse peak 3. Using the optimized parameter combination in the simulation results, TP is greatly improved as compared with direct current electrodeposition. The parameters of periodic pulse reverse electroplating optimized by numerical simulation method can effectively improve the uniform plating capacity of through holes, and can be applied to actual electrodeposition of through holes. Using the optimized parameters, the TP of through hole with the aspect ratio of 1:10 is improved efficiently. The experimental results provide theoretical support and new ideas for the optimization of periodic pulse reverse electroplating by numerical simulation method.


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