

  • 杨 帆 ,
  • 邓培林 ,
  • 韩优嘉 ,
  • 潘 静 ,
  • 夏宝玉
  • (华中科技大学化学与化工学院, 能量转换与存储材料化学教育部重点实验室,材料化学与服役失效湖北省重点实验室, 武汉光电国家研究中心, 湖北 武汉 430074)

收稿日期: 2018-12-25

  修回日期: 2019-01-25

  网络出版日期: 2019-08-28



国家自然科学基金(No. 21805104, No. 21802048)、中央高校基本科研基金(No. 2018KFYXKJC044, No. 2018KFYYXJJ121)

Copper-Based Compounds for Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide

  • YANG Fan ,
  • DENG Pei-lin ,
  • HAN You-Jia ,
  • Jing Pan ,
  • XIA Bao-yu
  • (Key Laboratory of Material Chemistry for Energy Conversion and Storage (Ministry of Education), Hubei Key Laboratory of Material Chemistry and Service Failure, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan 430074, P.R. China)

Received date: 2018-12-25

  Revised date: 2019-01-25

  Online published: 2019-08-28

Supported by

This work is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21805104, 21802048), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2018KFYXKJC044, 2018KFYYXJJ121) 


由于不断增加的二氧化碳排放导致全球变暖,且能源短缺等问题日益恶化,将二氧化碳电化学还原为高附加值化学品和燃料引起了极大的兴趣,设计高效催化剂对实现二氧化碳的高效选择性转化具有重要意义. 在所探索的各种催化剂中,铜基催化剂具有良好的开发潜力,可用于烃类生产. 本文综述了铜基电化学二氧化碳转化材料的最新进展. 分别从尺寸结构到不同形式(合金、氧化物)的铜基催化剂,以及分子催化剂等方面展开,重点讨论铜基催化剂上二氧化碳电解还原的反应机理. 最后,对未来高效铜基催化剂的设计提出展望,以促进二氧化碳转化的可持续发展.


杨 帆 , 邓培林 , 韩优嘉 , 潘 静 , 夏宝玉 . 电化学二氧化碳还原中的铜基催化剂[J]. 电化学, 2019 , 25(4) : 426 -444 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.180948


The electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) to useful chemicals and fuels has attracted enormous interest since the deteriorating global warming and energy shortage problems resulted from ever-increasing CO2 emission. Designing efficient catalysts is of capital significance to realize the efficient and selective conversion of CO2. Among various catalysts explored, copper-based compounds have promising potentials with acceptable efficiency for hydrocarbon production. Herein, recent advances on copper-based materials are summarized for electrochemical CO2 conversion. We intend to include the dimensional structure, different forms (alloy, oxide) and molecular catalysts in copper-based catalysts. Moreover, the reaction mechanisms of CO2 electroreduction on Cu-based catalysts are emphatically discussed. Finally, potential directions are also proposed for future design of highly efficient Cu-based catalysts to promote the rapid development of CO2 conversion for sustainable world.


