

  • 戴琬琳 ,
  • 鲁志伟 ,
  • 叶建山
  • 华南理工大学化学与化工学院,广东 广州 510641

收稿日期: 2018-12-18

  修回日期: 2019-02-22

  网络出版日期: 2019-03-01

Graphene-Like Secondary-Laser-Etched Polyimide Film Decorated with CuxO Nanocomposites: A Novel Electrode Substrate for Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensors

  • DAI Wan-lin ,
  • LU Zhi-wei ,
  • YE Jian-shan
  • School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641, P.R. China

Received date: 2018-12-18

  Revised date: 2019-02-22

  Online published: 2019-03-01

Supported by

This work was supported by Science and Technology Program of Guangdong Province (No. 2019B020219002, No. 2018A050506006), Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (No. 2017A030312005) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, No. 21875070).


本文采用激光刻蚀聚酰亚胺薄膜为载体, 浸泡吸附铜离子后经过二次刻蚀还原得到含有Cu(0)、Cu(I)和Cu(II)的纳米复合物薄膜电极(SLEPI/CuxO-FE). 通过表征可知,SLEPI/CuxO-FE具有大比表面积、丰富的活性位点以及良好的电催化性能. 实验结果表明,该电极对葡萄糖具有良好的电化学响应,并具有较好的稳定性和重现性,有望应用于葡萄糖的低成本检测.


戴琬琳 , 鲁志伟 , 叶建山 . 二次刻蚀聚酰亚胺负载CuxO纳米复合物薄膜电极用于葡萄糖的快速测定[J]. 电化学, 2019 , 25(2) : 260 -269 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.181052


In this work, a novel electrode substrate with graphene-like surface and CuxO nanocomposites derived from secondary-laser-etched polyimide (SLEPI) film was synthesized and applied in non-enzymatic glucose detection for the first time. Characterizations indicate that the as-prepared SLEPI/CuxO film electrode (SLEPI/CuxO-FE) possessed huge surface area, plentiful active sites and excellent electrocatalytic performance. The obtained sensor exhibited the high sensitivity and selectivity for glucose determination with a linear range of 0.05 mmol·L-1 to 3 mmol·L-1 and a detection limit of 1.72 μmol·L-1 (S/N=3), which provides a simple, flexible and low-cost electrochemical sensor for diabetes diagnosis.


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