2018年是电化学专业委员会成立30周年. 30年来,中国的电化学事业取得了巨大发展,国际学术交流越来越频繁,研究水平业已跻身国际前列,在全球电化学学术领域占有重要一席之地. 在我国广大电化学工作者和国际同行的支持下,中国电化学科学的专业学术期刊——《电化学》也正在茁壮成长,成为我国科学研究的重要核心刊物.
大会还颁发了系列重要奖项,其中中国电化学成就奖授予中国科学院长春应用化学研究所汪尔康院士,中国电化学贡献奖授予厦门大学杨勇教授和中国科学院大连化学物理研究所张华民教授、中国电化学青年奖授予复旦大学王永刚教授、苏州大学黄小青教授、中国科学院化学所胡劲松研究员和北京大学郭少军教授. 为了鼓励和支持中国学者——尤其是中青年学者——在《电化学》上发表高质量论文,办好我们中国人自己的电化学学术期刊,2015年《电化学》期刊名誉主编田昭武院士提议并设立《电化学》期刊优秀论文奖. 本届《电化学》期刊优秀论文奖授予重庆大学魏子栋教授、厦门大学毛秉伟教授、武汉大学庄林教授、辽宁科技大学陈星星教授和华北电力大学谭占鳌教授.
为促进学术交流、提高办刊质量,《电化学》编辑部特邀此次大会上获奖的八位学者,撰写论文报道其最新进展研究. 本专辑基本反映了我国电化学学科在能源、环境和材料方面具有代表性的研究进展. 希望借助专辑的出版,能使广大读者了解我国电化学领域的研究现状、发展趋势和存在的问题及挑战,进一步提高《电化学》的学术影响力,推动我国电化学科学的发展.
Year 2018 marks the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the Chinese Society of Electrochemistry. The past 30 years have witnessed enormous achievements of the science and technology in electrochemistry in China. The international academic communications become more and more frequent while the research quality ranks in the worldwide forefront, which make China plays more and more important roles in the international community of electrochemistry. With the stern support of domestic researchers and international colleagues, the Chinese professional academic journal,Journal of electrochemistry, has kept growing up and becoming one of the top journals in the science and technology of China.
The 19th Chinese National Conference of Electrochemistry was held in Shanghai in 2017. Surrounding the fundamentals, applications and frontiers in the development of electrochemical science and technology, the Conference presented the newest progresses and achievements, discussed in depth on the opportunities, challenges and prospects of electrochemistry, and enhanced the scientific collaborations as well as the technical transformations. It is believed that the every-two-year National Conference will push forwards the development and progress of electrochemistry in Chinese.
Series awards were granted in the 19th National Conference of Electrochemistry. The Outstanding Achievement Award was awarded to Prof. Er-kang Wang from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for his solid achievements and contributions to electrochemistry science. The Electrochemistry Contribution Award were awarded to Prof. Yong Yang from Xiamen University and Prof. Hua-Min Zhang from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics. The Electrochemistry Award for Young Scientists were winned by Prof. Yong-Gang Wang from Fudan University, Prof. Xiao-Qing Huang from Soochow University, Shao-Jun Guo from Peking University, and Prof. Jin-Song Hu from Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
To encourage and support Chinese scholars, especially the young researchers, to publish their high-quality papers in Journal of Electrochemistry, and to promote the quality of the academic journal of our own, Prof. Zhao-Wu Tian, the member of Chinese Science Academy as well as the Honorary Editor-in-Chief, proposed to set up the “Excellent Paper Awards” of Journal of Electrochemistry. This time the Excellent Paper Awards were delivered to Prof. Zi-Dong Wei from Chongqing University, Prof. Bing-Wei Mao from Xiamen University, Prof. Lin Zhuang from Wuhan University, Prof. Xing-Xing Chen from University of Science and Technology Liaoning, and Prof. Zhan-Ao Tan from North China Electric Power University.
To promote the academic exchange and to improve the journal quality, the editorial office invited eight award winners to contribute their newest research work to this special issue of Journal of Electrochemistry. We believe it reflects the representative progresses of electrochemistry in energy, environment and material domains. We wish the publication of the special issue would present the extensive readers the state-of-art, prospects as well as the scientific problems and challenges, can promote the academic effect of the Journal of Electrochemistry, and would push forwards the development of electrochemical science and technology in China.
Here I would like to thank the authors, the reviewers and the editors for their hard work and selfless contributions! I would also like to say thanks to the extensive electrochemical researchers for your persistent supports to Journal of Electrochemistry!