

  • 赵丹丹 ,
  • 张楠 ,
  • 卜令正 ,
  • 邵琪 ,
  • 黄小青
  • 苏州大学材料与化学化工学部,江苏 苏州 215123

收稿日期: 2018-05-14

  修回日期: 2018-06-12

  网络出版日期: 2018-06-26


国家自然科学基金项目(No. 21571135)、科技部纳米专项(No. 2016YFA0204100, No. 2017YFA0208200)和江苏省杰出青年基金(No. BK20170003)资助

Recent Advances in Non-Noble Metal Nanomaterials for Oxygen Evolution Electrocatalysis

  • ZHAO Dan-dan ,
  • ZHANG Nan ,
  • Bu Ling-zheng ,
  • SHAO Qi ,
  • HUANG Xiao-qing
  • Department of Chemistry College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, Jiangsu, China

Received date: 2018-05-14

  Revised date: 2018-06-12

  Online published: 2018-06-26


氢气具有环境友好、含量丰富、高能量密度等特点,是一种可以替代化石能源的绿色环保可再生能源. 电解水是制备氢气最有效途径之一. 但在电解水过程中,动力学过程非常缓慢,过电位较大的阳极析氧半反应严重限制了阴极析氢反应效率. 因此,研究高效、稳定和低成本的催化剂来降低析氧反应的过电位,从而提高析氢反应效率受到了广泛关注. 基于非贵金属催化剂本身特性及其在高浓度OH-条件下具有较高OER催化活性等原因,本文首先简要介绍碱性条件下析氧反应机理及其性能的评价方法,然后重点讨论非贵金属电催化析氧催化剂的最新研究进展. 最后对如何深入研究催化机理、设计高效、双功能及新型非贵金属电催化析氧催化剂进行了展望.


赵丹丹 , 张楠 , 卜令正 , 邵琪 , 黄小青 . 非贵金属电催化析氧催化剂的最新进展[J]. 电化学, 2018 , 24(5) : 455 -465 . DOI: 10.13208/j.electrochem.180144


Hydrogen is a kind of renewable energies with the merits of environmentally friendly, abundance and high weight energy density, which can replace the fossil energy. The electrolysis of water is regarded as the most effective way to generate hydrogen. Owing to the sluggish kinetics and large overpotential of the anode oxygen evolution reaction (OER), the efficiency of the cathode hydrogen evolution reaction is greatly limited. Therefore, it is highly desirable to explore efficient, stable and low cost electrocatalysts to reduce the overpotential of OER and improve the efficiency of hydrogen evolution. Based on the natural characteristics of non-noble metal catalysts and their excellent OER activities in high hydroxyl ion (OH-) concentrations, the OER mechanism in alkaline conditions and the methods for OER performance evaluation are firstly introduced in this review. Then the recent research progresses in non-noble metal nanomaterial electrocatalysts for OER are mainly illustrated. Finally, some perspectives are highlighted with the in-depth insights of catalytic mechanism, the designs of bifunctional and novel non-noble metal catalysts.


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