电化学是一门古老的科学,有着悠久、光辉的历史. 近年来,能源、环境等问题在世界范围内被大众广泛认识且越来越受到各国政府的重视,很多重要的能源体系和过程,如能量转化和存储、太阳能利用等,都是属于电化学所研究的范畴. 因此,电化学这门学科在近年来迸发出新兴的活力.
Electrochemistry, an old branch of science, has a long and glorious history. It has become again an exciting and vibrant research field. Recently, tremendous attentions have been paid on electrochemcistry because of its close relevance to energy and environment related issues that have caused wide public concerns and received attentions from many governments. Many important energy systems and devices, including energy conversion and storage, as well as solar energy utilization, involve electrochemical processes that traditionally fall into the research themes of electrochemistry.